View Full Version : The vicious circle

02-10-10, 13:02
Hi everyone
Thank god for this forum! At least I feel I'm not going completely crazy!
So, this is how my vicious circle of anxiety works, probably the same as you all:-
I get a headache
I think, OK, it's just a headache, and try not to worry
It gets worse. i start panicking that I will be ill and work will get sick of me being off and fire me.
I decide there is no way I can be ill, so I try to forget it, but start worrying that I am worrying.
I worry more, the headache gets worse and worse.
I stop eating.
Awful thoughts come into my mind - "what if it's a brain tumour", "what if this time it really is something serious"
I start to get into a panic and have to go home from work
I then start panicking about the fact I've gone home from work and they must be sick of me
The anxiety gets worse
I go to bed and can't face anything

Someone help me get away from this horrendous feeling!

02-10-10, 14:08
Sounds very familiar to me! Except my worry is usually my palpitations and generally feeling rubbish.

Have you read any self help books? I read "It is not all in your head" and it helped me for a while, although I have relapsed at the minute, so I may get it out again!

Do you have panic attacks, or constant worry?
Sorry you feel so horrible.

03-10-10, 10:09
Hey miggy moggy,
I know exactly how you are feeling. I have worked my way through hundreds of health scenarios. Things like headaches, chest pains etc do not automatically mean tumors. Headaches are a sign of many things like dehydration, sinus pain, stress just to name a few. Anxiety itself can cause headaches, heart palpitations, tinglings, twitching and so many many more. Usually when my negativr thoughts start I try to straighten my thinking, because anxiety makes us think irrational thoughts. One way I do this is to think, what else could it be? Are the symptoms consistent and getting worse. Usually, if its a sign of something nasty its persistent and it gets worse. Don't jump the gun. Wait and see.. usually things like that go away on their own. Keep yourself occupied.. sometimes when you stop thinking about the symptoms they stop. Then u know its anxiety for sure. 99% of the time its not anything serious. Remember your not alone in making these thinking errors. Are u seeing anyone about your worrying thoughts? I strongly recommend u do. Good luck with it all.