View Full Version : what is your train of thought right now?

02-10-10, 13:23
i decided to write down my thoughts as they were happening...
this is what they were...

i feel a little odd
i can feel panic
i hope i dont have a panic attack on monday when i go to work
i hope all this goes away
i am so fed up of it
what if i do have a panic on monday
what if it carrys on all week and gets to much
what if i freak out and end up off work
what if i cant look after my daughter
what if everyone thinks i am mental
what if i cant cope

this is prob the normal kind of train of thoughts i have
any one eles want to have a go? see what we all think?

02-10-10, 14:01
I feel highly stressed (with no specific reason)
I cant be bothered to do anything
I can't sit and relax
Do i need meds??
Can I get through this without meds?
I am so dizzy!
My head is full and foggy??
Will I pass out???
My heart is racing!
My breathing is out of sync!!
Did I feel this bad last time I had a bout of anxiety?
Is this time worse??
I have to go out now....will I panic whilst out in the car??
Well, I'l soon find out because life goes on wether I like it or not!!!

02-10-10, 14:17
it sure does pinkpiglet and we have come this far without anything bad happenin! xxx

02-10-10, 14:22
true! it would be so much nicer without all the crappy feelings and thoughts though!!

02-10-10, 14:29
for sure! am right there with u hun :) we will survive tho somehow:s haha

02-10-10, 18:36
Im thinkin today was better than yesterday,tomorrow may be even better,i have new meds and therapy was good yesterday,ive had a bit of an off patch but i will get better and i have found a place were im not alone (that place is here):)