View Full Version : Health Anxiety

02-10-10, 13:43
Hi everyone

I have never posted on a forum before but I have just spent some time reading the thread about "Dr Google" and I realised that you would all understand my bizarre health anxiety thoughts!!

I am driving myself to distraction and I do not know how my poor husband has put up with me!:shrug:

I think I have convinced myself that I have every possible terrible illness over the last 2 years. I do actually have a thyroid problem that has been causing some chaos but my reaction to it has been totally out of proportion. I can see that I am being irrational but cannot seem to stop it.

Basically, I look for bodily symptoms the whole time. I check my blood pressure a lot, I am always checking my pulse and I look on Google a lot. I am waiting for some tests at the minute for my thyroid and also some double vision that I have noticed (because I looked for it!) on my extreme right and left, and I am so anxious about what the doctors will find that it is always on my mind.

My husband thinks I should get a hobby, but I am not sure what I could do that would take my mind off these silly thoughts.

I wondered if this sounded like anyone else's experience with health anxiety and if anyone had any ideas about overcoming it. I am looking into CBT and counselling.

Thank you for taking the time to read my rather long post. I look forward to hearing you.

Lucky :D

Hazel B
02-10-10, 13:49
Hi and welcome!
I have health anxiety after 3 years of hellish events in my life, the final push was tummy pain and lots of tests and scans. I'd convinced myself it was terminal and because diagnosis took 4 months I had time to fret and worry. It turns out I had a gallstone, by the time I know this I was constantly anxious and convinced something more was wrong. When my GP finally told me I had anxiety, I went home and felt so relieved and started to accept it. I'm now on beta-blockers to calm my pulse and have started counselling to deal with my demons.

You are not alone. Anxiety is awful but if you read a lot of the posts it can be beaten.

02-10-10, 13:57
Hi and welcome :welcome:..I do agree with your husband about getting a hobby and some new interests .Focusing on your health all the time makes your symptoms appear worse .The health anxiety forum is helpful for reassurance and you will meet like minded souls .But try hard not to linger too long .It can add to your obssesion ,if all you do is read about symptoms all the time .You will find a lot of useful information here and the left of the page on the Main menu is a good place to start .Glad you found us and I hope you get plenty of help and support here ,Sue

02-10-10, 13:58
Thank you Hazel

My problem has been that I was told it was anxiety for about a year, and then approx 3 months ago I was told by my GP that she thought there actually is a problem and it was not in my head!! So, I am pretty confused, and all the referrals to consultants etc is feeding the fear I guess.

I hope you are ok now. I take a really small dose of propranolol for my palpitations and spiking high blood pressure. If I told you the list of ailments I think I have had, you would laugh, a lot!! I am also putting a lot of pressure on myself because I would like to become a mom soon. We started trying for a family but my underactive thyroid has made that impossible at the minute and the docs have said I cannot take beta blockers whilst pregnant, which worries me as they are the only think that make me feel better.

How have you found the counselling?

Thank you so much for posting, I really appreciate it xx

02-10-10, 14:01
Thank you Sue

My husband is very sensible and I should listen to him more!!! Now I just have to think of a hobby. I am a cellist and play in an orchestra, but I have been too anxious to go to the rehearsals lately, so perhaps that would be a good start!

I appreciate your reply Sue, I feel heaps better already knowing that I am not the only person in the work to have feelings like this.

Hazel B
02-10-10, 14:12
Pleasure, it's good to share stories, but like Sue says, I don't read all the health anxiety pages as it can feed on my worry.

I had to accept that I now have a physical and mental issue: the gallstone is not the most urgent thing for me now, so I put my focus on the anxiety, I'm on the 4th week of sick leave and been taking it easy and trying to re-train my brain to stop fretting about my body and relax. I would not laugh at your list if ailments, I did an A-Z of conditions when my tummy pain started, so I know what it's like. I do distract myslef a lot, online, reading, doing housework (the house has never been so clean!) and going out every day for a walk. Maybe you could concentrate on your most urgent problem first, then slowly heal the other things?

The counselling is talk therapy and does help, though I have to be brave and honest to bring out all the inner torment, I have a lot of grief and guilt that has to get sorted. I take one day at a time and am determined to be well again.

03-10-10, 19:25
Hi Hazel

Sorry I only just found your reply. It sounds like you are doing really well and making positive steps towards overcoming your anxieties, well done.

I have made an appt with a counsellor and I am starting to take more control again. I am still working, which can be tough as I am a teacher, but I try to relax as much as I can at home.....my house has never been so messy!! I have been spending time trying to organise nice trips so that I have things to look forward to, and today I have made huge progress as I only text my hubby once about feeling anxious!!

One step at a time is good advice and I will try my best to follow it.

I hope you start to feel much happier soon.


03-10-10, 20:23
Hi there.

I Have also had anxiety for 2 years, everything abnormal or new with my body freaks me out.

I am so very aware of my body.

I get itchy rashy skin, tingling in my fingers, tongue and lips.
I get that inpending doom alot.

It all stems from my Mum, she took her life in 2003.

I was on meds but came off them and im pleased I did. I get so very sick of this as Im not living my life Im just surviving.

I find this all feels so much worse around my period or if Im tired.

My sleep is awful,

But I cant let this win.