View Full Version : Hi I'm new

02-10-10, 15:06
I am a new member looking for Help and Support. I have suffered with depression and anxiety for as long as I can remember. I have been given several different kind of anti depressants over the years and my latest one being Paroxetine. I have tried to get off this drug for years as I feel I now want to take control of my own life and the reason for me being on them in the first place has long gone. I have tried on several occasions to come off these tablets but after years of trying just can't do it. I was very sensible reducing as little as possible over the months but as soon as I hit 5mg my world was turned upside down, I couldn't cope with the feelings and symptoms I was having so started them again. Feeling like that made it so easy for me to go back on them.
Everytime I had these horrible feelings and symptoms I started to worry that it wasn't withdrawal symptoms and that I had something incurable which started my attacks again. I really believed that I was dying of something awful because I couldn't believe that you could feel so rotten.
I have been to my GP to talk about coming off them, so he has stopped them and give me Fluoxetine 20mg instead. 4 days later I'm feeling worse than I have ever done before. Can someone please help I am going out of my mind and I have so many symptoms I am starting to believe that I really am ill. I hope this don't seem that I am going on but this is my life and has been for at least 15 years and I can't take any more.

02-10-10, 15:07
Hi gtag

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

02-10-10, 15:14
Thanks Nicola

It's nice to know that I'm not alone

Gtag xx

02-10-10, 15:19
Hi Gtag, nice to meet you, you are certainly not alone you will meet lots of nice people on here. I also tried to come off my medication Citalopram got down to 5mg then the anxiety was awful and had to go back on the 20mg that was 7 weeks ago and still have terrible anxiety now, wish I had never bothered but like you Ive been on different meds and with anxiety for over 15 years and wanted to try and do it with out meds thinking I was ready or could do, now have to wait until they start working fully again, give yourself time and they will start working again for you soon. Take care Julie :)

02-10-10, 15:27
Thanks Julie, I was thinking that i wouldn't have any side effects because GP has taken me off Paroxetine and put me straight on to Fluoxetine but I feel worse than ever. I feel like I have got discomfort between my ribs like a heartburn but I have already convinced myself it's some form of cancer. How daft does that sound but I can't get it out of my head. Reading some of other peoples replies i havn't come across anyone with that kind of pain and sometimes it feels like it goes through to my back.