View Full Version : I have had enough!!!!

07-03-06, 08:19
I have had enough! Sick of being like i am, sick of all these symptoms, sick of thinking like i do. Sick of everything in general. Sick of being down in the dumps worried and anxious about illnesses that i know i don't have. I have been told by the doctors that there is nothing wrong with me, doctor's have told me that there is nothing wrong with me, ECG was fine, Blood pressure fine and blood tests were better than they should be, so i am healthy but can't except it. Which gets me down in the dumps, which leads to me starting to get upset, which leads to tears. I fell worse in a morning, don't know why i just do. that might be to do with the fact i'm not sleeping? Well not a full nights sleep.

I have been on tablets for the anxiety attacks, but i have now been to the doctors and have stopped them becuase i didn't think they were working. I'm now on no tablets, the doctor suggested anti - depressents and to meet the Pyschiatric nurse, i'm not doing either of those, but maybe i should? i'm just so fed up at the moment i just don't know what to do? Feel like i'm losing the plot. Maybe i should go back to the doctors and get the anti-depresents? or i have some kalms maybe i should just take them? I really don't know what to do. I just can't seem to make myself happy! I have tried exercise but i just worry i'm putting my heart under to much stress when i do that, i know stupid as it was the doctors that suggested the exercise.

I'm supposed to be going to London at the weekend but i don't want to if i'm like this.

I just needed to get this off of my chest.

07-03-06, 08:25

HANG IN THERE MAN. Seriously. Speaking as somebody who can relate to what you have written I know you will get better soon. These thing come in cycles and you are bound to feel better soon.

Listen to the docs. They are always doing these tests to make sure you are well, but also to cover their own backs, so its in their interest to make sure you are well!!

I know mornings can be difficult but try and distract yourself, even if its only distracting your thoughts.

Good luck!


07-03-06, 08:52

I know how you feel we all do, how cruel is this--i too feel desparate..im sittin in the same boat as you--i went to the doctors and my blood was fine, blood pressure a little raise, ecg all 4 of them fine.. but still feel im going to die...its awful isnt it-- know where you are ..you get so weak and tired of it all you just want to give up dont you, greg i am in the thick of it, like you ...but ive decided i cant give up..i just have to try-will myself better...no im going to listen to my relaxtion tapes , and im going to do the breathing exercises-- greg once i have finsihed taking my beta-blockers i am going to go back on anti-depressants - as i never ever want this to come back again, my circle of anxiety this time was the worst in my life, nope i have to control this thing this time.
Go back to your doctors with any worrires or concerns, i would if i was you carry on taking the anti-depressants they do take a few weeks to get into your system, try and be patient- if you ask your doctor he may give you something to get over this period untilthe anti-depressants kick in....i hate taking tablets ---big phobia ,,, i shake before taking them but i force myself, sometimes we all need a little medical help my love.
Poor you, you will be ok greg, seriously come on guy , dont give up...you have to help yourself... honest you can listen to advice, and read all about anxiety but only you can turn this around,

love ash x

07-03-06, 09:33
Hi Greg

Like the others say you will get through this, we have all been there & some are like it now. The anti depressants will be a good start point & then see how things go.

Keep your chin up hun, you are stronger thank you think.

Take Care


Many People Will Walk
In & Out Of Your Life
But Only True Friends
Will Leave Footprints
In Your Heart

07-03-06, 09:49
Thanks for the support.

The tablets i was taking were Beta - blockers, didn't find them helpful. I just can't seem to make myself happy - all i have is negative thoughts. I'm trying to keep my mind occupied by doing Suduko and the other puzzles in the newspaper but there not working.

Would people reccomend the Anti-depresents instead of the beta blockers?

i WILL beat this anxiety problem. I WILL DO IT!

Ma Larkin
07-03-06, 10:31
Hi Greg, I've taken so many meds in the past & to be completely truthful with you, found that none have worked for my benefit. At the end of the day, my anxiety is still there no matter what I take. I do take the odd 2mg Diazepam when I feel a panic attack lurking, which seems to do the trick, but I know they are addictive so I weaned myself off them on a daily basis. I've always got Kalms & Rescue Remedy in my bag but don't use them that often, they are just an alternative if I run out of Diazepam. I've heard Valerian is quite good if you want to try something herbal, rather than anti-deps. I'm in the same boat as you, all the tests came back fine yet still convinced my heart will pack up, sleeping is crap, but busying myself helps with me. I wasn't a candidate for CBT, the assessor said I didn't need it when my GP said I did, maybe CBT would help you.

Hope you feel better soon. Take care.


07-03-06, 10:33
Hi Gregg,

I think in terms of the medication you choose I think that is entirely your choice and you feel you require them. I’m not a quack but you certainly seem to present many of the tell tale signs of depression like worse in them morning etc. Anxiety and depression are very closely linked and I think there is a 74% chance if you have either you can end up with of them.

I think a lot of people find antidepressants help them control there panic /anxiety attacks and there depression in to the bargain. If the GP has suggested antidepressants I think he/she would have done this for a reason so therefore you should give it serious consideration.

If you do decide to go down that route just remember anti depressants aren’t a miracle drug and may take up to 3-4 weeks before they start to work. When I learned it was that long it seemed like a decade away but to be honest it goes in pretty much quicker than you expect. Well I have only been on mine for around 2 weeks but I do notice some benefit already so I would have no hesitation in recommending them to any one who asked me.

Good luck if you decide to go to London.

07-03-06, 15:15
Hang in there Greg...I agree with Robert..if your gp suggest some meds take them, whatever works ..I look at it this way..i diabetic needs insulin, panic anxiety depression needs meds...Im not saying all but most of us whatever will get us through the horrible feelings and thats all they are is feelings easier said I know but Im fighting this too..I just say so what instead of what if sometimes that works too ..I suffer more in the morning too I think most people do, you just hang in there, I would just suggest something like diazapam or klonopin for when ya really need it works fast and also a antidepressant ..talk with your doc about it and i wish you all the best......Linda

08-03-06, 10:26
Still feeling really donw - don't know what to do. Don't know if to go back to the doctors (but i know i have no illnesses) ? Don't know if i'm just worrying about tonight (i'm going to see a band, really want to see them live my currenty fav., but not looking forward to being in a crowded situation). Getting myself all worked up and anxious, then because i'm feeling anxious i'm having a panic attack, and because of all this i feel really down. its a vicous circle, just want to get myself sorted out.

I'm going to go to London at the weekend i think that a change of secenery and doing loads of walking might sort me out.

i WILL beat this anxiety problem. I WILL DO IT!

08-03-06, 12:57
Hi Greg

I think you should go see the doctor again & explain how you feel.

Good luck for tonight re seeing the band. If you can see if you can be as near to the back as poss so you do'nt feel so enclosed (Im not keen on crowds myself). I think you are going to have a really great time this evening. Let us know how it goes.

The break up to London will be good for you to, bet you will have a good time there as well. [8D]

Take Care & keep positive


Many People Will Walk
In & Out Of Your Life
But Only True Friends
Will Leave Footprints
In Your Heart

08-03-06, 13:28
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">

Good luck for tonight re seeing the band. If you can see if you can be as near to the back as poss so you do'nt feel so enclosed (Im not keen on crowds myself).

<div align="right">Originally posted by Alexandra - 08 March 2006 : 12:57:01</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

I normally stand near the back anyway

i WILL beat this anxiety problem. I WILL DO IT!

08-03-06, 14:23
I now starting to think that my problem is starting to affect my partner. She has always been supportive up until the last week - i don't know if its starting to get to her. Just phoned her about something and told her that i was going to go back to the doctors. her responce wasn't very supportive. Just sort of you don't need to you just need to cheer up, i wish it was that easy.

I'm now starting to (like before feel really light headed) panic. i wish i could stop feeling like this right now, i want it to stop as quickley as it came on.

i WILL beat this anxiety problem. I WILL DO IT!

08-03-06, 14:45
Hi Greg,

we can relate to how you are feeling. I was put on beta blockers which I took for a few months.

I never took anti depressants but they have their place. The one thing that I would say is that ultimately, whatever medication you may take, YOU still have to deal with the anxiety and panic in order for it to go. If you take medication then use the time on it to gain as much knowledge as you can from good, solid sources. There's loads of good suggested material on here. (I wouldn't suggest googling......it's a great way to feel crap!).

In my opinion, education, exercise, diet and relaxation are probably the biggest factors. Find out everything you can about the illness. I would take up the offer to see the mental health nurse. I went this route (reluctantly at first) and was put onto some free MIND courses which I found very helpful. I ended up doing three of them as I really liked the lecturer and found it very useful talking to her.
The other thing is that you have to give it time. Recovery can be very gradual and very backwards and forwards. Don't try and analyse it all. Just do as much of the normal things as you can and definitely don't just sit indoors mulling it all over.

Hope you enjoy the gig.
Trev :D

09-03-06, 08:28
Well i went last night had a good time while i was there, but the problems started before i left.

I had been worried all day about going, to this concert. Then about 1.5 hours before i started to go i just broke down in to fits of tears. theses lasting all the way up till i left, the main reason i was upset was that i was scared of going and passing out/ fainting with my friends or i have got it into my head that i'm going to drop down dead.

I enjoyed the concert while i was there, then when i got home i started thinking again and haven't slept very well cos i have been worrying that my heart is about to pack up at any minute. So i kept waking up all night.

I'm offf to the Doc's at 11, to see what they say, might just bite the bullet and take anything they offer.

i WILL beat this anxiety problem. I WILL DO IT!

09-03-06, 10:23
Look at the positives. Despite all the pre-event anxiety you still went and you had a good time. This is a great achievement. :D
The pre and post anxiety are to be expected, you might want to work on not letting them matter so much. The key is to try to stop focusing on the negatives and try to focus on the positves. I say "try" because I know how hard this can be to put in place. Your mind seems incapable of letting you at times. The turn around is gradual so don't put a time limit on it all.

Trev :D

09-03-06, 11:26
just wondered how you got on at drs today. do you feel a little better. well done for going last night its a start in the right direction.


09-03-06, 11:34
Hi Greg

You did very well in getting to the concert even though you were nervous before hand, you achieved a goal.
Well done hun you made it & you had a great time to excellent news, im so pleased for you.
You will get through this hun, small steps at a time.

Stay positive & take care


Many People Will Walk
In & Out Of Your Life
But Only True Friends
Will Leave Footprints
In Your Heart

09-03-06, 12:44
Been to the dr's, the doctor has given me a prescription for anti-depresents and is refering me the psychiatric nurse.

The next big step i have is the train to London, 3 hours with no easy exit route. Will have to think positive and will hopefully be ok.

i think i'm going to get some herbal stuff - my friends have recomended some stuff that helped them

i WILL beat this anxiety problem. I WILL DO IT!

09-03-06, 13:41
Hi Greg,

Glad to hear the trip to the doc went alright this morning & thats good that your friends are giving you advice on the herbal stuff too.

Good luck for the trip to London, we all know you can do it on here
Maybe take a book or something or listen to some favourite music to while the time away, before you know it you will be in London.

Keep positive

Take Care


Many People Will Walk
In & Out Of Your Life
But Only True Friends
Will Leave Footprints
In Your Heart

09-03-06, 16:42
Try not to focus on the "no easy exit" side of it and focus on other stuff like what you will do when you get to the end of your journey.
Alexandra is spot on with the reading material or music. I used to have to read a book. I'd try and make it a comedy or lighthearted one. I used that tactic on flights and it worked really well.

10-03-06, 13:29
Hi Greg,

Goodluck with going to London, You will be absolutely fine! Although you say you have no quick exit, give yourself the option to get up and walk up the train, especially if you feel your anxiety rising high, it will give you something to focus on until your anxiety peaks and then fall back down again.

That may sound stupid, but it has helped me in the past. Also, be quite near to the loo aswell!

you mentioned in a previous message that you were thinking of trying kalms tablets. I personally found that they had no effect on me whatsoever and just gave me a crashing headache, but try them if you feel they may benefit you!

Im glad to see that you have been to the doctors. I think every night before you go to bed, you should stand in front of the mirror and tell yourself that there is nothing wrong with you! This type of positive assertiveness may actually help in the long run!

Well I wish you all the luck in the world

Take care
Love Jodie xxx

10-03-06, 16:56

Well done for going despite all your anticipatory anxiety .
Most of this as you so rightly already identify has to do with how you think about stuff and right now you are thinking very negitively and as well as meds I hope you and your doctor decide to address this with CBT or similar.

Despite all your desperation you are actually ok and you can recover by taking it step by step and going steadily .

Read the sucesses catagory for some inspiration as well as going back to basics and starting 1 step at a time

Common Symptoms of Panic Attacks, Anxiety, Phobias and OCD. (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/NMPcms.php?nmppage=symptoms)

First Steps: First Steps to overcoming Panic and Anxiety (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=942)

Health Anxiety (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/NMPcms.php?nmppage=healthanxiety)

Links post: Links to posts about Common Problems (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=7784)


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

13-03-06, 07:41
Hello all,

On Thursday night i got my self some St. John's Wart tablets, i don't know if there working already or if its just me but i feel much happier.

Anyway back to the weekend, well i was anxious in the car on Friday morning, and before i got on the bus, but once i got to the train station and got on the train i was fine. No problems for the whole of the 3 hours on the train. Then in London walking from Kings Cross to Oxford st. then in the taxi to the hotel. Then the big test came, going to see the Lion King. Again i was fine for the whole show (i really enjoyed that).

I was fine for the rest of the weekend, i really enjoyed the whole weekend.

The only problem i had was on the train on the way home, i bought a newspaper and was reading the magazine that came with it and there was this article that was on about TV illness' and heart attacks was in there, well to cut the story short i read this then suddenley had the symptoms - stupid i know, but i was disappionted in myself for this after the weekend. i told my girlfriend about this and she said that when she says its time to get an ambulance/go to casualty then its time to worry.

Anyway all in all i had a good weekend and enjoyed myself.

i WILL beat this anxiety problem. I WILL DO IT!

13-03-06, 10:45
Hi Greg

Im so pleased to hear you had a great weekend we all knew you could do it on here.
A really big well done to you hun.

Keep positive & be strong.

Take Care


Many People Will Walk
In & Out Of Your Life
But Only True Friends
Will Leave Footprints
In Your Heart