View Full Version : The biggest Irony

02-10-10, 16:39
Just thought I'd mention this, and really only smokers with HA will know where I'm coming from.
I've spent months, maybe years, worrying I've got all the illnesses under the sun, I've scared myself stupid with Dr Google's diagnosis (he even told me I was pregnant once, which is pretty amazing, as I'm a guy).
I've been put on countless drugs, had the most ridiculous side effects, had x-rays, CT scans, MRIs MRAs, blood tests, ECGs, I've been scared stiff of every single new drug that I've been prescribed and sat there staring at the bottle or packet for a few days before trying one, usually cutting it into quarters and taking a quarter of the dose at first to see how it affects me, then inventing symptoms inside me and getting scared of them and so the cycle continues. But one thing through all this, that I didn't even worry about in any way, was the fact I smoke, now you try googling smoking, and it can reportedly pretty much cause any illness under the sun, yet, I smoke, why the heck was I not worried about that, enough to stop? If I read on a prescription drug, may cause irregular heart beats, I wouldn't take them, yet I still smoke.
This realisation, led me back to the GPs to ask advice on quitting smoking, with quite a surreal outcome for me. The GP, would not prescribe any form of nicotine replacement therapy for me, as he didn't feel I was ready to quit, and I was sat there trying desperately to convince him I am ready and that it's not good for me, to which he replied that another 8 months or a year of smoking isn't going to harm you any more than you already have. Needless to say, I walked out of there, half laughing, half dreamy and half in disbelief.
So, to cut a long story long, I am going to attempt cold turkey on these stupid little sticks within the next two weeks and see how I go.
Wish me luck on this :)

02-10-10, 16:49
Every time I think about packin the ciggies up I tell myself exactly the same as your Dr told you ..I need to pack up as well.:blush:Good luck and maybe you can post a diary to help others in the same boat as you ? .Sue

02-10-10, 22:09
Depending on how you work, cold turkey may be just the way to go. I quit cold turkey (eventually after many attempts, thinking I'd never manage it) but there again I had a friend who'd go on nicotine replacement for months and then go back to smoking (thought she'd never quit) but last year she finally cracked it.

The physical nicotine addiction is cracked in just four days so keep that in mind.

Good luck!

03-10-10, 11:37
I'm in a very similar situation. When I got started on zoloft and ativan for my panic disorder/depression/etc., I read that ativan was a good drug for quitting smoking. I asked my psych if I should give it a new try and he absolutely said NO. He said that quitting smoking will only add to my anxiety now and I should try once I'm more stable (i'm having quite a rough period in my life right now).

03-10-10, 15:56
Was in the same situation russ a few of months back when i quit .. i lasted 10 weeks and then started again ... i know quite a few who have stopped over night but they havent had any anxiety related illness .. i think its much more hard to kick the habbit when you have .. i was a bit like you with medication where i would break the tablets into pieces yet i dont mind pumping over 4000 chemiclas which is in one cigarrete into my system . i think its all about wanting to quit and will power.. il try again myself soon as at last im starting to feel well again .. Good luck with it Russ and say goodbye to that filthy habit ! (and the smoking too ! ) :yesyes: