View Full Version : costochondritis

02-10-10, 17:33
:blush: After another night (thursday) of being woken in the night by a terrible pain, causing me to panic, i get an appointment for my gp friday evening.

I am totally getting fed up.

He does some tests and send me to a&e, im there 15 hours, he wants to rule out a small pnuemathorax, air escaping from the lungs?

Awhole load of blood tests, medication and a chest x-ray later they tell me its nothing serious, thank god.

There is concern as ive lost a stone in weight in 6/7 weeks, so the doctor thinks i ashould ask my gp to up my anxiety meds.

He also says the pain is likely to be costochondrits, which is treatable, keeping warm, resting and anti in-flammatories.

treatment can last 4-6 weeks, however i have been having this pain for months and atually think it has caused my anxiety to be worse, not the other way round.

anyone else experiened this. would be greatful for some opinions.

Hospital also had to give me 5mg of diazepam, because i couldnt stop retching as i took a lot of pain killers on an empty stomach. havent eaten since thursday. also have 3 x 5mg of diazepam to get me through the weekend:weep:

09-10-10, 13:49
How are you feeling now Janine? I hope your stomach has calmed down a bit, and you've managed to eat a bit more.

I don't have any experience of costochondritis, but I'm glad it wasn't anything serious. I hope the treatment goes well, did they give you the anti-inflams to take as well as the pain killers?


Fly away Katie
11-10-10, 20:30
I suffered with Costochondritis for about 2 months in bed. Absolutely soul destroying, but it will go away. :) x x x x x