View Full Version : kitty

02-10-10, 18:31
Hi.Im very worried about changes in benifits. I have asperges syndrome,ocd and am suffering from depression.Im on medication to help with my mood.I recieve disability benefits and income support but am really worried that they will be stopped. I can't face work as it makes me really stressed and panicky. Im terriffied as im totally reliant on my benefits especially income support and would not be able to cope without them or cope with work.These anxieties are making my depression and mood even worse.

02-10-10, 19:39
You should probably talk to the citizens advice bureau for up-to-date info on this.

03-10-10, 14:13
I know just how you feel hun,i'm incredibly worried too,i've already lost £200 a month of my housing benefit,I am very poorly with fibromyalgia,anxiety and depression,i have 2 children and am on my own.There is no way i could work as i am ill everyday and the added pressure of all this worry is making me worse.I really don'tknow if i will still have my house this time next year.But what can you do,just take each day as it comes and deal with things as they happen,easier said than done i know.I hope Mr Cameron is happy with what he is doing to the genuinely vunerable in the country.The thing that gets me is that no one seems to care,thats what gets me so down.
Ali xx

03-10-10, 17:30
hi.Im very sorry and sympathetic.The government doesnt care for genuine people with disabilities. It must be very difficult for you with your illness and with children. I find it very frustrating and stressful as Aspergers Syndrome is an invisible disability and is not understood.It makes me so angry as not everyone can possibly work if they genuinely have an illness or disabilty or cannot cope with the pressure and theres no jobs out there. I hope you recieve the benefits you are entitled to and deserve!.Good luck!

04-10-10, 02:40
Hi Kittykat and Ali,

It isn’t fair :curse:
Perhaps you could write to the benefits office, and as Nic said, ask the CAB for advice on how best to word it. Make it clear that all this stress and worry is detrimental to your mental wellbeing. Lay on the guilt because they deserve it! Explain how you were just starting to make progress but all this worry is setting you back and undoing all the hard work you’ve been doing.

A professional letter will carry more weight, so perhaps you could ask your doctor, counsellor, therapist, etc to write something on your behalf.

Good luck,

04-10-10, 14:31
Thanks Nigel and Kitty.I've spoken to cab theres nowt they can do,its a descision made by the government and i just have to find the money.
Doctors letter cost £40.00 at our surgery so won't be able to go down that route.Unfortunately i think alot of people will be loosing their homes,i just hope i'm not one of them.My counsellor says i mustn't catastrophize and must stop worrying about it lol.She is right tho,worrying isnt going to change anything.I have joined a group on facebook about what the government have done,maybe if enough people get involved it might change things,who knows?
Ali xxx

05-10-10, 17:55
Hi Ali,

“My counsellor says i mustn't catastrophize and must stop worrying about it lol.She is right tho,worrying isnt going to change anything.”

That’s very true, but it’s damned hard to do it sometimes. But when you think about it, all that worrying and getting angry isn’t gonna change the facts. So it’s just wasted energy that could be better spent trying to do something positive and proactive about the situation.

Good luck :)