View Full Version : Changing of seasons

03-10-10, 02:33
Hi everyone,

I was wondering if anyone else get this but i have noticed now that here in Australia its coming into spring and as the warmer weather arrives, new smells, warmer winds etc remind me of times when i have been anxious in Summer in previous years gone by.

I know there is a term for this and was just wondering what other people do etc, kind of wish it was still winter as it was pretty smooth sailing!!!!



03-10-10, 08:30
Hi ewood

Is it called suggestability? (possibly not). I think when you have a bad spell of anxiety, certain things stick with it, like a supermarket, certain smells, maybe even songs , places, certain people?

Then when you experience this again, your mind automatically associates it with the bad anxiety spell, and you start to get that sinking feeling.

Is that the kind of thing you mean?



jaded jean
03-10-10, 08:55
Hi Ewood79
I think I am feeling the same you now. I had my breakdown 8 months ago in november, I am dreading the anniversary of it to a point hto I know I have to go with the flow etc and carry on my life. But as the weather gets duller and changes to rain and fog and the the snow I wonder if I will start feeling the same as I did then . I hope not . Its going to be a a bit of a workout maybe not just for us but for many. Yes I have associated a lot of things with the said period of time. I dont like my bedroom as it is anymore as I spent a month in it!! I changed my chair downstairs (I actually chucked it). Certain programmes I refuse to watch on tv , So Definitely it is association so a lot of re training our minds and thoughts to accept and move forward:winks:

03-10-10, 09:40
Hi Ewood,

Am the same as Jean!!! I too suffered badly last October after a week away on holiday I just crashed. I spent last week away so slightly earlier than last year but am finding that I am thinking about it alot and just scared the same thing will happen again!! Silly really cos I know I am in a much better place but like Jean says there are always constant reminders of it around....I can so relate to what you say Jean...the bedroom etc. This was the case for me when I first suffered with this illness and didnt know how to cope other than lying in my bed most days, when I became well again I used to get that feeling of dread everytime I walked into the bedroom. Thankfully we moved afterwards and the last period of illness I made myself get out of my bed every day even if it was just to sit down stairs.

Awful what we go through and the memories we keep of it....wish it would all just blow away.

Take care

03-10-10, 09:44
I had my relapse in December, so Im dreading the winter. Especially if it snows again ><
Which is a shame because I used to love winter.

jaded jean
03-10-10, 13:47
Hi Vixxy.
Strange thing is about this 'time' I loved the snow I used to kneel on my bed and look out the window and watch everyone struggling in it . it was like the actions of a child looking back at it and I am 52!! but the bedroom was the sanctuary and felt safe there . but getting better meant coming out of that area and looking at it as a place of sleep etc- not a sick room.- as jt69 said you view it as a place you didnt like going . I'm thinking of changing it round though to get a better perspective of things.So the best thing we should all do is look ahead and be strong and we will get over it.

03-10-10, 14:25
I also hate the winter time but used to love it,i started my panic attacks during the long winter nights and i suppose im associating the nights drawing in with the thoughts of having more attacks,i believe the few attacks ive had over the last few weeks is because im thinkin about the days gettin shorter,However what we all need to remember is WE ALL SURVIVED IT AND WE WILL AGAIN,i keep telling myself this and at the mo im winning, we will all survive it again no matter how hard your finding it you will survive, come on guys we need to think positive and stay strong we will make it:hugs:

jaded jean
03-10-10, 18:55
I think we should all go and live in a cave over winter.
The bears wont mind ....much

03-10-10, 20:37
Jean have you thought about changing your bedroom?

My mum died from cancer 4 yrs ago and for the last 3 months I nursed her here in my home. I gave her my bedroom and I slept in the living room. When she died I found that I couldn't bear to be in my bedroom as it held so many bad memories of illness etc. I had a panic attack whenever I came into the room.

I completely changed my room. I redecorated and moved all the furniture round and it made such a difference. It was like I had cleared away the bad memories.

Carol xx

04-10-10, 00:24
I also hate the winter time but used to love it,i started my panic attacks during the long winter nights and i suppose im associating the nights drawing in with the thoughts of having more attacks,i believe the few attacks ive had over the last few weeks is because im thinkin about the days gettin shorter,However what we all need to remember is WE ALL SURVIVED IT AND WE WILL AGAIN,i keep telling myself this and at the mo im winning, we will all survive it again no matter how hard your finding it you will survive, come on guys we need to think positive and stay strong we will make it:hugs:

yes we must all stay positive!!! it dosnt really matter what season it is really, its just the one we like to blame that cops the brunt of it all!!!! :hugs:

blue moon
04-10-10, 07:43
Hi,I have to say I don't like the summer,it brings back bad memories and anxiety when we lived in Iran.Also crime rate goes up in the summer months,which really terrifies me.:weep:
Petra x

04-10-10, 09:59
I remember my GP telling me that one of the peak times for anxiety is actually the spring (so April and May for us in the northern hemisphere, so I would guess October and November for those down under). It's the other way round for me though as I can get Seasonal Affective Disorder, so I hate it when I realise that the days are starting to get short.