View Full Version : Anyone had palps this bad

03-10-10, 13:20
Hi does anyone else get the palps that last for minutes not seconds the ones that come in runs and you feel like a butterfly in your chest ,the worst episode i had was when i was in a shopping centre and i first noticed a fluttering feeling in my chest i tried to ignore it but it kept doing it for around 3 minutes ,i then felt my pulse and it was really really fast small beats ,then a thump then i went in to a massive panic attak and my heart started pounding.I never had it last as long as that before, it just seem to keep fluttering until the panic kicked in then it went in to a pounding panic beat ,i feel if i hadnt paniked it wouldnt have went bak to normal ,i feel it was the adrenaline that kicked it bak to normal.I went to cardioligist and he told me they were prob lots of extra beats all in a row.But sine that day i have beame really agrophobic sometimes i dont go out for a week which is really no way to live it is ruining my life.Has anyone had palps really this bad ,i dont mean the single ectopics i mean fast small beats that cause terrible flutterings in the chest,i suffer ectopics all the time but these fluttering beats i cant handle ,has anyone had them this bad .I am going bak to docs in the morning as i really want to get better but i do need more help to lose this fear.kind regards molly

03-10-10, 13:25
Hi, the fact that your cardiologist wasn't at all concerned about it should let you be reassured that they are harmless. I've had them in every form and I know that they are extremely unpleasant, but honestly they won't harm you:hugs:You've panicked when out and that's what's made them feel worse. Whatever you do, please don't let them stop you leading your normal life. If you carry on as normal then they will fade into the background. They are just one of those horrible, but harmless, anxiety symptoms that are frightening at the time. You are in control so don't let them win! :hugs:

03-10-10, 14:09
HI thanks for your reply ,i just wish it was that simple kind regards molly

03-10-10, 17:22
Anyone else had these ?

03-10-10, 17:38
Glad I am not the only one who gets those runs of beats that are fluttery and fast. I have had ectopics beats for over 25 yrs and at times I can have ectopic every 3rd beat that goes on for weeks on end and is very scary. i also get what you describe and I find if I take a deep breath or cough it stops them try it if it happens again.

I have had alot of 24hr ecgs about one every 3-4 years for my peace of mind and they always show the ectopics but am told they are harmless.
I also had an echo of my heart and it was fine. When I am ancious most noticeably with anything medical my heart rate can zoom up to 140 bpm which always causes problems if I am having tests or Dr appt and they take my pulse - many times I haven't been able to leave hospital without an ecg no matter how many times I tell them its normal for me just let me get out of here:D

04-10-10, 11:28
Hi thank you for your reply ,i find it very hard to cope with just now .kind regards molly

05-10-10, 10:33
do u guys get normal heart rate but feels like its pounding like u can feel every beat