View Full Version : Occupational health appointment!

03-10-10, 16:33
Tuesday I have occupational health appointment at work, I last saw her 3months ago in which I was advised to take 6 months health care leave but would be reviewed after 3 months because thay have said if I go sick again with anxiety I will lose my job which does add to my anxiety. I want to be back working but I'm thinking am I well enough yet because I don't want to lose my job. I know when I get there Tuesday I'm going to start shaking and get all muddled and not say what I feel. It's so frustrating.

03-10-10, 17:11

How awful for you...the frustration of the added anxiety!!! Not right at all...how can they possibly take your job away from you??

Have you thought about a phased return?? I had 5 months off from last October...I did try to return twice but was not ready...eventually I returned in March this year...I work full-time but went back on 3hrs, then 4 then 5 until eventually 6, I then took a week of annual leave I had pre-booked and went back full-time after that.

Totally relate to how you are feeling about wanting to go back but not sure if you are ready....you will only know if you give it a go!! I did and was fine!! I dont think I would of had so long off if I hadn't needed to change meds during that time.

Hope it goes o.k for you.


19-10-10, 00:24
I'm so sorry for the position they've put you in - totally out of order. Forgive me for poking my head into the thread; I've just been booked to see OT at work, and was curious... that doesn't sound what I was hoping it'd be like.

19-10-10, 10:25
surely they cannot sack because you are on sick leave for six months. my mum was off work for that long with a broken leg and she still has her job, why does it not apply to anxiety too?

i agree with jo, when you feel ready to go back to work go back slowly, do one day a week and build it up from there. if you don't feel ready to go back then take your time, discuss this with the OH.

i can understand the stress you are going through but please take care of yourself. are you on medication at all or seeing your gp? the anxiety is obviously taking control of you and need a bit of help in taking back control. good luck xx