View Full Version : Extreme tiredness/weak

03-10-10, 17:46
I posted this in another forum but i think it is more relevant in here because i think it is a symptom of general anxiety.... or atleast i hope it is!

I woke up this morning feeling sooooo drained and tired, my whole body aches and my legs and arms felt tense, weak and achy..

Even getting up and having a shower etc was a real struggle..

Im really worrying that i am ill..... although i know tiredness is an anxiety symptom, iv never felt like this before!

Iv had a couple of days of anxiety and panic in work thurs/fri but surely this tiredness would have hit me by now because its now sunday?!

Has anyone felt like this before?

Im just so scared incase im ill... i do feel anxious but thats because of this horrible tiredness/weak feeling, my arms and legs feel tense and i notice that im tensing them without realising, i hate it xx

03-10-10, 17:53
Tense muscles can cause a lot of bother and make you feel very very tired and weak. Did you find that after having a hot shower you felt a little more awake?

03-10-10, 18:01
I still felt the same... just so drained and have no energy at all!
All i wanna do is lie on my bed an watch tele... i kinda think it is due to anxiety because iv been very anxious over last few days and when i get my mind off it, it get slightly better... bt then when i think about it again it gets worse.
Feel like i could sleep for a week but i know that if i tried to sleep, id be unable too.

We have a big family tea tonight and im dreadin sitting at the table cos i just dont feel like i have the energy to do so!

Also bf coming round later, i just wanna hide away and forget about the world.. its horrible, never felt like this before.

Thank u for your reply x

03-10-10, 18:05
If you can try and go for a walk, from what I been told adrenaline can cause tiredness, sort of makes sense - after its been pumping around for quite a while it drains the body physically and mentally of energy.

03-10-10, 18:36
Sometimes after work, I feel exhausted. Not only because I have a stressful job, but also from the anxiety I feel. By the end of the week I am very tired.

04-10-10, 10:56
I get this sometimes too, I feel like it all day at work but I drag myself to the kickboxing gym and as soon as I get excersising it completley disappears.
I felt like it all day Friday got the the gym and did 15 rounds of hard sparring how do you explain that? Maybe some of it is mental?
The only problem is that sometimes if I over do it I can feel 10x worse the next day due to fatigue.

04-10-10, 19:42
How are you feeling now? I logged on to nmp because of the same symptoms as you! I suffer health anxiety and towards the end of last week, had a few anxious days. Then yesterday I was overwhelmed with exhaustion. I just want to fall asleep in th day which is impossible with young children but feel 'heady', totally drained and aching. It's horrible but having read other people's comments to you, am hoping it is related to anxiety and not illness.

04-10-10, 20:24
That was exactly me Jenza20! Completely overwhelmed with tiredness and so achy and weak.... im alot better with that today thankyou, but did wake up during the night to a major panic attack... it was as though i was so anxious the last couple of days and i need the attack to get everything out of me! It was strange... but since the panic attack, iv not felt as achy or weak... just usual tired from lack of sleep!

After reading things on here etc this is defo an anxiety related symptom... i think we exhaust our bodies so much without actually realising, that sometimes it just needs to rest and becomes overwhelmed!

I hope you start to feel better soon xx

Thank you to everyone for their posts xx

04-10-10, 20:32
I felt the same at beggining of my anxiety. When i realized it is from anxiety it went away. Don;t worry!