View Full Version : Antibiotic or Anxiety?

03-10-10, 18:06
I have been on a strong antibiotic for acne for 65 days now. The antibiotic is Bactrim. The last couple of days my stomach has been feeling really ill and churining especially in the mornings which always wakes me up early and i cant ever get back to sleep because its so uncomfortable.

Its just real upsetting feeling and i seem to pass a bit of gas too, but mainly its just my stomach that feels ill and then makes the rest of my body feel very weak.

Can this be the antibiotic causing digestive issue or is it my anxiety once again? Please help!

03-10-10, 18:17
I was on an antibiotic for acne called Erythromycin it played hell with my stomach. Was really painfull, but more so for the first three weeks of taking it.

03-10-10, 18:20
Hi Jay,

It could be the antibiotic. Some do cause gastrointestinal problems, and often times diarrhoea. The issue is probably a little confused by your anxiety too, but it seems likely that the meds are interfering with the bacteria in your stomach which is giving you discomfort. This should settle after you finish the course.

I hope things get better for you soon hun.x:)

03-10-10, 18:29
Well luckily i am not experiencing any diarrhea and i am on it for another 45 days or so. If it keeps up i dont think i will be able to finish the course. I almost want to go to hosipital in case it serious, is how bad i feel. Like i dont feel like eating at all and just cant get comfortable.

Its not like muscle pain, its just the sick feeling. At what point would i need to go get seen for it? I dont even know what they could do thou :/

03-10-10, 18:52
There are some anti-emetic drugs (anti-sickness) that they can prescribe if worst comes to worst Jay. The time you need to seek help is if the nausea is either causing your appetite to greatly suffer or is actually making you vomit on a regular basis, because then you are at risk of dehydration. As well as anti-sickness meds there are also gastro drugs that can be added which help calm the effects of the antibiotics, drugs like omeperazole for example, though in my experience the effects of the antibiotics are pretty short lasting than you seem to be experiencing so they aren't usually prescribed.

You are on a very long course of antibiotics, and have been taking them a long time, so please don't suffer extensively with this and if things are not settling I would seek medical advice.

03-10-10, 19:06
You are on a very long course of antibiotics, and have been taking them a long time, so please don't suffer extensively with this and if things are not settling I would seek medical advice.

So by saying that do u mean i should discontinue before suffering more since i have been on it so long already?

03-10-10, 19:37
No Jay, I wouldn't say discontinue as I'm not qualified to advise you to do that. What I would do if I were you and (it is clearly worrying you )is seek medical advice about your continuing nausea.

As I say, these symptoms are very common with antibiotics, however resolve once the course has finished (be that a week or 2 week course usually), however you are on a very long course of meds so the situation is different. Because I'm not experienced in looking after patients who are on such a long course, I'm not sure if the body should adjust to the antibiotics after a long duration or if the side effects continue. A medical opinion might just be helpful for you.x

03-10-10, 20:07
My son didn't want to take acne antibiotic anymore because of that effect. They do upset the natural flora of bacterias in the digestive tract. So it is no wonder that it happens.

03-10-10, 21:08
My son didn't want to take acne antibiotic anymore because of that effect. They do upset the natural flora of bacterias in the digestive tract. So it is no wonder that it happens.

I always read a lot about that and i asked my GP this question when she extended my rx for 90 days. I said what about my gut flora and she said my natural gut flora will never ever dimenish and not to worry. She said that overtime my gut flora would get use to the constant antibitotic in my system and wont cause any harm. I did not really believe her, but she is the doctor not me so i agreed.

Still having dry mouth too, just took a brief nap, brief i mean like 30-45min. Was able to relax a bit and nod off thankfully. I know that i am depressed thou of dealing with acne, anxiety etc, and have been for quite sometime and its hard to determine what really is causing my stomach issues right now and natural well being.

Thanks for the replies and keep sending them if you have any more insight. I really like hearing from people that understand.

04-10-10, 12:19
I don't know the procedures in the States, but here whenever you get on a long course of antibiotics (for stubborn infections, h.pilory infection, etc.) the doctors usually give you a "gastric tissue" drug (don't know how to translate that properly) - like Nexium (omeprazole, esomeprazole, famotidine etc.) because antibiotics as well as NSAIDs and Aspirin are a well known cause for gastritis, ulcer and all sorts of stomach problems... You should ask your GP about that.

04-10-10, 14:17
I don't know the procedures in the States, but here whenever you get on a long course of antibiotics (for stubborn infections, h.pilory infection, etc.) the doctors usually give you a "gastric tissue" drug (don't know how to translate that properly) - like Nexium (omeprazole, esomeprazole, famotidine etc.) because antibiotics as well as NSAIDs and Aspirin are a well known cause for gastritis, ulcer and all sorts of stomach problems... You should ask your GP about that.

I actually was giving a rx for nexium but never have taken it. :S

04-10-10, 14:49
I actually was giving a rx for nexium but never have taken it. :S

Oh ok....in that case my advice would be to take it Jay. Was it prescribed at the same time as the antibiotics? If it was then they prescribed it to prevent the symptoms you are suffering now.

04-10-10, 18:44
Oh ok....in that case my advice would be to take it Jay. Was it prescribed at the same time as the antibiotics? If it was then they prescribed it to prevent the symptoms you are suffering now.

See now i think it might be the anxiety because it doesnt feel so nauseated today and i slept really well finally last night. I guess i can say its not constant anyway.

04-10-10, 18:48
I would still take the Nexium though J if they prescribed it. It is way better to take it than not as long term antibiotics are pretty rough on the stomach.

I appreciate it is your decision though!:)

04-10-10, 23:16
I take 1 nexium / day... I don't think I could take Sertraline and Lorazepam and still be able to eat without it. It's quite a neutral drug... you don't feel it in your system (it doesn't bother you).