View Full Version : weird head sensations

03-10-10, 18:15

I've been getting really bad anxiety symptoms for a while now but a new one started recently and I don't know if it is actually an anxiety symptom or something else.....
Basically it's wierd pressure sensations in my head. Like intense pressure right in the middle of my brain and in my temples. It's not a headache and there's no pain but I need to swallow all the time and I'm concerned it could be a sinus problem/infection. I've just taken my 1st ever beta blocker in desperation and am worried about the side effects too. Anyone else getting weird head pressure sensations with their anxiety? Thanks:unsure:

03-10-10, 18:26
Hi, I often get like a tight band feeling around my head and sometimes pins and needles which feel like there in my scalp. I take beta blockers only 10mg 3 times a day if I need too, the only side effect I have experienced from these are cold hands! like you this feeling doesnt cause me any pain its just wierd and another symtom of anxiety unfortunately the list is never ending, I seem to have a new one everyday!

03-10-10, 18:47
Thanks for your reply, these pressure sensations have made me think I've got a brain tumor! I did crack a mercury amalgam molar filling a couple of weeks ago around he same time as the pressure sensations increased and became almost constant. I'm having that fixed next week so I'm hoping that's been partly to blame as well as anxiety.

03-10-10, 18:55
Hi Papillon
Yes, I get that weird sensation in my head too. My gp prescribed beta blockers recently and they certainly helped calm me down and stopped the adrenaline rush caused by anxiety.
Unfortunately, I could hack the 'sicky' side effects with the particular brand of beta blockers that were prescribed but not everybody suffers with the same side effects.
I started on some ssri meds this week and they are suiting me better. The weird head thing is improving.
There is hope.:)
Welcome to the site. You will find lots of answers here.

Luv 'n hope
