View Full Version : Bad day..

03-10-10, 18:45
Have had a rather anxious day, meant to be packing and getting ready to go back to university this evening, and really haven't wanted to...more so than usual.

Been feeling worried about going back and starting lectures and so on and so forth.

Hate having these days, I feel as if I'm half asleep all the time and I seem to be aware of every breath,

Really don't want to go, but I guess I have to.

Hoping I'll feel better when I get there.

03-10-10, 19:06
My thoughts are with you. :hugs:

03-10-10, 19:07
Youve done it before and survived you can do it again,we all have bad days but we have to tell ourselves tomorrow will be better:)

03-10-10, 19:13
Thanks a lot :)
Making myself get on with packing and stuff now, never liked this bit.

03-10-10, 20:34
Good luck hope it works out

03-10-10, 22:38
Back in Brighton now, saying goodbye to the parents and my brother was difficult as usual.
Horrible driving conditions for the first 20 miles, but after that it cleared up.
So I turned up the sterio, put on some cheesy-yet-extremely-happy music and had a good sing-song :)
I feel a whole lot better now :)

03-10-10, 22:39
Pleased to here it Chlorate (my son recently started uni). Hope you settle back in soon x

03-10-10, 22:45
its always hard going back after a break. sometimes i find it a struggle on sunday nights, like tonight, knowing that im going back to work tomorrow and have a whole week ahead. take things one day at a time, its much easier to get your head around :)
youre doing really well so just keep going as you are, and the less afraid you are, the less symptoms u will have.
hope tomorrow goes well. xx