View Full Version : Please read and respond. So scared right now.

03-10-10, 19:41
Hey guys, I hope everyone is ok.

Last night I had a terrifying experience. First let me start off by saying that I have really bad reflux and I kind of went overboard ysterday with my friends.

They came over and we ordered a bunch of chines food and junk food usually makes my reflux act up. A few hours before i went to bed, I decided to do a little bit of exercise so I was lifting weights and i did some stretches as well as some sit-ups. Before bed, I drank a cup of black tea with milk and went to bed.

I was restless and couldn't sleep until 2am but right before I fell asleep, I felt this tight squeezing pain on my left chest(like above my heart). The pain lasted like 3-5 seconds but it scared the crap out of me. It didn't spread to my arms or jaw and I wasn't dizzy or out of breath at all. I instantly jolted out of bed and then my heart began racing for about 3 minutes before returning to normal.

I realize that the fright of the pain made me panic so that's why my heart began racing but what the hell was the pain about?

I'm really scared guys. What made it worse was that I saw a program about people who eat junk food cause them to have heart disease and now i'm worried I have heart disease and I'm only 20 years old. I tested my blood pressure yesterday before the incident and it was 124/76 and hr was 90.

Please can anyone tell me if they had this pain beofore. Im so scared right now. I had a full heart check up about six months ago that included a echo, 5 ecgs and 2 chest xrays. Also, countless blood work.

Please tell me I didn't have a heart attack.

03-10-10, 19:48
Hi Mark801, it sounds more like indigestion you've had after eating that food! It so unlikely that you have heart problems at your age. You are obviously anxious at the moment and that's why you're winding yourself up taking your blood pressure, etc. I'd try not to get into a habit of constantly checking bp, etc. because it fluctuates constantly, even in a healthy person. Reflux can also cause chest discomfort and that combined with the food and exercise sound definitely like the culprits! I'm sure it's absolutely nothing to worry about. :flowers:

03-10-10, 19:48
I would say you probably had some muscular discomfort - that is all. Don't worry.

03-10-10, 20:10
Thanks guys. I don't test my blood pressure that often. I actually used to be obsessed with it when my health anxiety started. But i was at my grammas house yesterday and I saw her bp monitor so i just tested it. It was a little high for me. My normal blood pressure is about 105-115/65-75.

But i figured it was 124/76 since I had just eaten all that junk. As of today I woke up and I feel good. I slept pretty good. But the incident has me worried that I had a heart attack. I told my mom and she was yelling at me saying with all the heart tests I had and I'm still obsessed with my heart but I just can't help it.

I never felt a pain like that before. I have a family bbq to go to and I don't wanna go because of last night. I scared something will happen to me and I'll just make a fool of myslef. I know it sounds silly but I can'y help the way I feel with this stupid anxiety I have.:weep::weep::weep:

03-10-10, 21:51
Hi Mark, Chinese food sometimes contains monosodium glutamate. There have been suggestions that this can cause a number of unpleasant symptoms, including chest pain. Perhaps you had a reaction to that?

03-10-10, 22:41
I have pains there most days that a very sharp and last a few seconds, I put this down to reflux. You said you have reflux and that really is the most likely cause.

04-10-10, 10:06
I had this which is what set my anx off in the 1st place! A really really painful squeezy pain in the left side of my chest and it turned out to be a muscle spasm. The fact you said you was liftin weights before bed probs has summin to do with this! Iknow is scary cuz I called an ambulance for mine but is totally harmless just make sure yu stretch before lifting again lol! xxx Oh, and you didn't have a heart attack! xx