View Full Version : Anorexia, emetophobia and travelling.

03-10-10, 19:58
Hi everyone,

To cut a long story short, Im both anorexic (medically diagnosed) and emetophobic (self diagnosed)…im not doing so well with either right now - they tend to fuel each other, and on Friday I'm meant to be travelling 250 miles to the south of the country to look for houses (were in the process of moving). The trouble is, any form of travelling and transport provokes terrible anxiety to the point where I have avoided going out, and even travelling within a 10 mile radius of my house has become a challenge recently.

I have to go and do this, but Im terrified of the anxiety I know im going to feel. Im also not "strong" physically right now because of anorexia, which also doesnt help. Im terrified of my anxiety and/or the travelling causing me to vomit (neither has happened but ive been very close).

Can anyone offer any advice?
Im at my wits end

03-10-10, 22:45
Hi FireFlyyy,

A few suggestions - Rescue Remedy pastilles, spray or chewing gum; ordinary chewing gum also helps against nausea; travel sickness pills (they used to make me sleep as well, which might help); travel sickness bands that you wear on your wrists.

Hope you find something helpful there and that the journey goes ok x

03-10-10, 23:15
If you can pop down to the chemist then buy a pack of Nytol 2 a night and some Motilium 10.

Take 1 nytol but DONT if you intend to drive and also take 1 Motilium.

Obviously make sure you check with the pharmacist before you take them!

04-10-10, 12:10
carefull with the motilium if you're on AD or benzos! Everyone says ginger is very helpfull in relieving nausea - I can't use it though because I have gastritis and ginger is spicy... It just makes me worse. But maybe it will work for you. You can find ginger lollipops or other types of ginger-based medicine in any farmacy.

04-10-10, 19:46
My GP prescribes Motilium for me, and I'm on both ADs and occasional benzos - I don't think there is any problem mixing the two, and the pack insert doesn't flag it up.

Definitely get some travel sickness pills. They stop you feeling sick, but they are also a little sedating, so you feel more chilled. You can take Motilium at the same time, so you'd have a double anti-vomit whammy. Also, I take a small bottle of 7-Up with me everywhere (NOT Diet!), and when I feel sick I take a sip. I've found sometimes I feel sick because I haven't eaten, which can make you feel nauseous - and the sugar in the drink helps to keep the sugar level constant and helps the nausea (tip from a dietician when I was thought to have anorexia!)

Good luck (and if it's any consolation - usually these things turn out to be nowhere as bad as we thought they were going to be).
