View Full Version : im in pain help

03-10-10, 22:14
i had a tattoo 7 weeks ago, it was all my left arm and its my second tattoo, my other one is half the size, both took 4 hours. after i had it done i went home, i felt a bit crap before i had it done and i felt crap after, anyway the next day i got up went to work felt crap all day, got home had a bath went down stairs my arm was so red, my wife said i had red blobs down my arm, i freaked out had a massive panic attack went to docs, i had this tingling/burning feeling all down the back of me and on my arms and hands, it all went away, then the next day bang on 4 in morning i woke up with the same feeling tingling/burning, its like some one has set my arms and hands on fire, this is the funny bit it comes at the same time each morning, and it so bad iv been back to docs 5 times had blood test all fine, been to A+E and im all ok just sent me home, now the tingling feeling comes and goes all day but it so pain full, im now on some meds for it, im on anti depressents and diazipan 2mg, im having to to take 2 at 4 some mornings if the pain is so bad, in the day i feel like my blood is rushing through my body like im having a constant adrenaline rush, its horrible im always on edge its like im on drugs all the time, some times it goes away but not for long, just as i think this is bad my head starts feeling funny like im not in my body, now im have suicide thoughts all day and they make me feel worse, my wife had to call the docs last week and they sent the crisis team out to me, i had had all i could take but they sorted me out, im going to see a neurolagist next week but they still think i have a very bad case of GAD, 2 family members have been in hospital as they have GAD so bad, i hope i will be ok it scares the crap out of me, can GAD do all this in 7 weeks and be so nasty?

ally b
04-10-10, 00:20

anx is a illness,can be both mentally and phyically, it sucks.
go bk to ur gp, explain ow ya feel.

be well and keep strong, xx

04-10-10, 23:32
thanks for your reply i dont no if its normal to feel like this one min im ok the next i feel like this feeling of death in my head and it dont go away then it will go as quick as it came its like im going crazy :scared15::scared15:

05-10-10, 15:31
um I think your suffering from health anxiety, like with the tattoo, you got some odd sensations and then panicked.
like they use a needle that punctures your skin so your arm is basically an open wound so its going to sting and burn.
maybe you had a mild reaction to ink as well.
if you were to have a full reaction, your arm would be cover in little spots filled with pus and even the you'd be ok :-)
this has happened a few of my friends, mainly with yellow ink.

the anxiety on the other hand, I totally under the panic and feeling of doom, it can be really terrifying.
a lot of the sensations you experienced sound like a common panic attack. I know it's not nice but we all get the tingling, burning, pins and needles, numbness lol i could on for ever.
how are you feeling now?