View Full Version : Medication/Counselling/Therapy or Natural Remedies

07-03-06, 11:22

I’m very interested to know what form of treatment people feel is best for there condition and your experiences or your treatment. Many of us are probably on some form of medication but there is many alternatives like hypnotherapy, cbt, or even doing it cold turkey and making changes to or lifestyles.

I think it would do us all some good to read about peoples successes and failures with their chosen treatment and may inspires us all to try something a little bit different well here’s hoping.

Many thanks in advance for all your replies!


07-03-06, 11:40
Hi Robert

Counselling & CBT have helped me a great deal. If it was'nt for the CBT i would'nt be where i am now re the agraphobia which i am so determined to beat.
The anti depressants im on are really good for me, not sure how i will be when i next see my doctor as im hoping to have my dose lowered again but we will see.

Take Care


Many People Will Walk
In & Out Of Your Life
But Only True Friends
Will Leave Footprints
In Your Heart

07-03-06, 12:35
Hi Rob I have tried just about everything over the years as I have had anxiety and phobias for over 40 years. I have had many good years between but can’t put a finger on what I did to make myself feel better. I started drinking at 16 and found it helped me get out and do things socially as that’s when I first had a spell of bad agoraphobia (drinking definitely wasn’t the answer) as I ended up having to drink daily and heavy just to cope, the drinking addiction then lasted for 40 years and I didn’t even realise I had a drinking problem until my liver tests where way high and started having real bad stomach problems, so I stopped the drink 2 and a 1/2 years ago. It was very hard and I got the worst anxiety I had ever had but this did go in time. I am much better now without drink as I have to learn to overcome my anxieties without alcohol, and it can be done. As I said I have tried almost everything, Reiki, CBT, Diets, hypnosis etc and now I think the best way that has worked for me is keeping busy, doing things you enjoy. I had years of to scared to do things and didn’t enjoy things I normally liked doing because of health anxiety, but just doing it and carry on doing things even though its hard eventually got me to feel achievement after doing things and it started growing until I was enjoying doing things around the house and garden (I was getting my life back) I same as everyone still have bad days though and just get up and do things and it has worked for me. This time of the year though don’t help to much as we have constant dark, cold wet weather, Its much easier in summer months as at least even with agoraphobia you don’t need to dress up warm (which gives people more time to think) before going out. In the light warmer months u can just go straight out even if it’s only to sit in the garden for an hour. Well this has seemed to work for me, but as I said you think at the beginning it’s no good. You have to keep pushing. Another point I now realize I have had years on and of with scary health anxieties, its 40 years on and I am still here, haven’t I just wasted so many years just worrying about things? Take care all. Vernon

Ma Larkin
07-03-06, 13:50
Hi Robert, I agree with Vernon. Look how many people have suffered for years with this thing. They have tried everything in the book, & nothing has worked, I probably mean nothing has cured the symptoms. I really do think its mind over matter. Poor Vernon has spent 40 years with this, if there was a cure he'd have found it by now, but he's coped, like the rest of us cope, its just hard in the early years because the symptoms feel so life-threatening until you learn to control them or at least live with them. It really annoys me that everyone seems to be on different types of meds, anti-deps, beta-blockers, herbal, etc., I can't fault people for taking herbal but why are there so many differents types of anti-deps & why do some have different names when they are exactly the same tablet. I don't suffer with depression Robert, I suffer fron anxiety & the odd panic attack & I cope on 2mg Diazepam as & when needed. I wish I could say that I did have depression, at least I'd have an explanation for the anxiety, I'm just so confused & if I was a GP I would have no idea what to prescribe to me!! I did have counselling which I really enjoyed.


07-03-06, 13:54
I agree Lesley there is simply to many meds on the market it is almost like a sweety shop for gp’s and they don’t know what to give you. Most anti depressants can be used to treat a range of problems even pain relief I think anti depressants is the wrong name for them given they treat so many conditions. The Brain is the only part in our body that we can lose control of and find it hard to regain control.

Ma Larkin
07-03-06, 16:20
I totally agree Robert. Mind over matter. Nothing seems to work apart from trying to re-train our thoughts, which comes from our brain sending messages. I do wonder if a certain part of our brain stops working or gets damaged for one reason or another, thus causing the symptoms of anxiety, because I certainly don't have any other explanation for it! Oh for an instant cure!!
