View Full Version : Relief at Finding No More Panic!

04-10-10, 09:48
Hi I'm a newbie to No More Panic - just discovered this website yesterday and it's helped already. Just reading through everyone's posts makes me think I'm not cracking up after all :unsure:. I've been on antidepressants for many years because of grief and loss and generally coping with alot of ongoing stress. I was down to a very low dose of Prothiaden for the last year but then was made redundant and am back to square one. I was diagnosed with ME/Fibromyalgia 12 years ago and had to give up my job of 20 years. I didn't work for 2 years but then my condition improved and I was able to go back to work. During this time my marriage broke up, which was a relief to me after many years of emotional abuse. Over the last year and a half my ME settled down and I was symptom free until I lost my job and now it's back with a vengeance. My main problem though is anxiety. I over think everything and analyse every word and just don't know how to stop it :wacko:

04-10-10, 09:49
Hi sleepykate

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

04-10-10, 09:54

Hi Kate

There are lots of nice friendly people on here who will help you any way they can.

Sorry to hear you've lost your job of course this will be an anxious time for you. Hang on in there.

Carol x

04-10-10, 10:35
Hi Kate :welcome:

Glad you are finding NMP helpful. I found the site last year when I was at a bad low after being made redundant. I also have ME. Have you had counselling or any kind of therapy? Also, are you still on Prothiaden, if you don't mind me asking? I've taken it in the past and found another tricyclic helpful for a number of years but they're not the most commonly prescribed ADs these days. Hope you feel better soon x

04-10-10, 11:02
Thanks alot for your replies. Jane I've been on Prothiaden for a long time. Was down to 150mg at night but am now on 50mg in the morning as well. I also take 40mg a day of Propanolol and 100mg of Lyrica. I had counselling for 3 years through Relate which just finished in February. Had a one off session last week as I was really struggling again. It did help on the day but unfortunately I feel like I'm going backwards instead of forwards x

04-10-10, 11:29
Hi Kate, just wondered if there was some reason you can't take SSRIs, not that I'm saying you should change, but my tricyclic eventually stopped working for me. Also wondering if cognitive behavioural therapy might be worth a try - I had it some years ago when I was depressed but I think it's also supposed to be helpful for people with ME

04-10-10, 11:44
I had CBT about 5 years ago. The therapist said I was managing the ME really well and that my problems all lay in my marriage - which was very true. When I eventually got out of my marriage I gradually started to feel better and this continued until earlier this year until the job situation happened and the worries started to take over (I have 2 children who are still at home). It always amazes me how powerful the mind is and how our thoughts can really take over. I wish there was an on/off switch because my mind seems to run on overdrive :huh:

04-10-10, 11:52
:hugs: I can totally sympathise Kate, my husband and I both lost our jobs last year - we still had three kids at school at the time, one's just started uni.

I was fortunate enough that a change of ADs helped me a lot. Do you still practise CBT techniques?

04-10-10, 13:01
No she didn't give me any techniques to practice. She just asked me to describe my day and said I was coping as well as anyone could with ME. Wish she had of now - I could be doing with them :). Sorry to hear you and your husband both lost your jobs. Are you working now?

05-10-10, 01:02
Hi Kate,

We've been lucky up to a point in that I work a few days a week and my husband also gets some work but we don't earn a lot and will probablt have t try to sell out house sometime soon :weep:

I really think proper CBT might be of help to you. Maybe you could ask your doc about it - or try getting hold of a copy of CBT for Dummies. Maybe your library would have one if you can't afford to buy xx

05-10-10, 07:44
Hello and Welcome Kate,
I only joined here two weeks ago, I have'nt had to ask many questions because just reading about others and how they've coped has been a godsend for me because like you say it means we arnt cracking up, Sorry to hear about your bad times and hope your feeling better again soon.

Take care