View Full Version : definitely one for the ladies only

07-03-06, 11:28
hi everyone,
i just went to see my local gp for a smear test. anyway, she did the test, then prodded me a bit here and there and told me that i have to go for a scan urgently, and that my womb is leaning to the left but there is something on the right hand side. when i asked her what it could be, she said it might be that i have two wombs, or it might just be my bowels or something, but that either way, there's something that's not quite right.
seeing as you normally have to beg nhs doctors for a scan or extra test of any sort, it seems to me that she might think something is seriously wrong.
it is totally freaking me out. i am only 28 and would really love to have children one day. i am so worried that this will mean i can't. i am feeling so panicky now. my boyfriend is telling me to calm down, not worry until i actually have the scan and get the results but i can't help stressing out about it.
just looking for any reassurance, really. sorry if this post was a bit graphic.

07-03-06, 11:37
Hi Henri

Sending big hugs to you. Im sure everything will turn out okay for you, try & think positive.

Keep us informed on how things go.

Thinking of you. Take Care


Many People Will Walk
In & Out Of Your Life
But Only True Friends
Will Leave Footprints
In Your Heart

07-03-06, 11:46
hi henry

i had a smear test done 10 years ago and sometihing abnormal was found. i was whipped in for a colposcopy and the abnormality was removed whatever it was. i also have pcos if you no what those are.

10 years later i have 5 kids. yes that is right im 34 and have 5 kids. good on you for going for your smears. is this the first one you have had

things like this always frighten you but they are usually nothing to worry about

do you have regular periods

07-03-06, 11:51
thanks for your replies jackie and alex.
jackie, it is the second one i have had, first one was about five years ago, all was fine.
i am on the pill so have regular periods.
really hope it all turns out ok, thanks for your reassurance xxx

07-03-06, 12:22
The day I had a smear test, I was told there was 'something going on with my womb' The doctor said there was a growth which he didn't like the colour of. That was on the Friday by the following Tuesday I was in the City hospital. The gynaecologist came on to the ward to see me after I had some test done. He took my hand and said 'There is a possibility you could be pregant but this growth is in the way and has to come out. After trying for a baby for 5 years I was shell shocked !!! If I was operated on with an incision I would lose the baby, but there was a chance they could do it without. Next day they did the operation and yes I was having a baby. After I had the baby I had a hysterectomy.

Anyway to cut a very long story short my daughter is now 27 and we are planning her wedding for next year.

If my GP and hospital hadn't acted quickly 'who knows'.
I am sure when you go to the hospital everything will be fine, but if things don't go quite right take heart that you will be looked after. Try not to worry, hard I know. You will be alright.

Best wishes
Jenny xxxxx

07-03-06, 14:02
I had to have a scan 3 times because I had a cyst on my ovary and this went on for over 18 months and then it just went of its own accord.

The scan is not at all painful - far less so than having a smear.

Oh and I have had 3 different people I know have abnormal smears for a variety of reasons and all were glad to be checked out and are fine.

Love Piglet xx

07-03-06, 17:38
oh thank you so much for replying, everyone.
i feel a lot better about it now and am trying not to worry about it.
thanks for the replies, means a lot to me xx

07-03-06, 18:09
hi henri,just read ur post.Isn't it amazing how there is always someone who has the same or similar situations ,so can give advice.i too have had probs over the years[not my womb tho]it is true,that the sooner you get things sorted out the better,it sooo scarey ,i know.I'm sure it's abowel thinf as i had swelling in my abdomen and thought it was my womb and was diagnosed with i.b.s.,so there you go.Let us know how you go,Love Mary-ROSE.XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

08-03-06, 18:25

Sorry to hear about this real health concern. I do hope you can get it seen very soon. It could be one of hundreds of thing s. I got sent for a transvaginal once cos GP during a routine smear thought I felt pregnant or had a wierd bulky womb that needed investigating immediately - 1 week later.

Great to be told that at 7 pm when no chemist is open to get a 'clear blue'. Never amounted to much for either option and I have been fine since

Let us know what it is


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

08-03-06, 19:26
Hope you get the scan done soon.


Happiness is not a state to arrive at but a manner of travelling.

You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough ~ Christine Cagney, Cagney & Lacey

08-03-06, 23:40
Hi Henri

Thinking about you hun and i am sure it will be all okay.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

"Life is a distance and to travel that distance you were given the strength and guidance to do so".

01-05-06, 11:28
Hi everyone,

Just wanted to update you all on this post - had a scan and it turns out that my womb is a funny shape - it sort of dips at the top, like a heart. apparently this is nothing to worry about, but was probably what the GP felt during the check up.

Anyway, I am totally relieved about it, just glad there's nothing seriously wrong!


01-05-06, 14:52
Great news Henri. Glad everything is fine.

Best Wishes
Jenny xxxxxxxxxxxx