View Full Version : really really ill and alone ;(

04-10-10, 10:25
I've caught a really bad cold/throat infection kind of thing, I;ve nt bin this ill in years!! My throat hurts when I swallow, my mouth is rly dry, my left side of jaw is aching and I got a massive headache. I was in bed from half7pm last night til half 9 am this mornin with a screamin temperature and only managed to get about 2 hours sleep! I keep goin rly hot then rly cold, I can't lie dwn anymore cuz all my muscles hurt in my neck and shoulders even legs cuz I've lied down for soso long, and I keep gettin really bad missed beats!

At the moment I'm sweatin but shakin and gettin really panicky and dizzy cuz my chest keeps feelin all weird, think I'm bout to die or have a heart attack more than ususal cuz I feel so awful. I'm all aloen in the house which is makin me worse cuz scared no1s here to help me if I do end up havin a heart attack!

I'm also gtin bit wound up bout the amount of paracetamols of taken I've taken 12 of them in past 24 hours and 4 beta blockers! No more beta blocker than usual but IDK if its safe to take paracatamol with them didnt even think cuz I was in so much pain without them!

Just getin really really scared and sad! ;( xx

04-10-10, 10:32
Hi pokerface, that does sound like an evil illness. Ive had something similar before. Just make sure you keep your fluids up and try to rest as much as you can. Hopefully it will pass soon *hugs*

04-10-10, 10:32
awww, pokerface, I know how you're feeling and in normal circumstances when you get an infection or a cold, you would accept the feelings, but with HA, of course you're focussing on your heart and the weird feelings in that area alone. Try not to worry about it, I know it's easier said than done. As for the paracetemol, if it is really concerning you how many you have taken and whether you should be taking them with betablockers (I know I do sometimes) then contact your on call GP for reassurance, 12 in 24 hours isn't a significant amount, but I'm not a medical expert, but as I said, your GP or NHS Direct can confirm that for you. I'm here if you want to chat :)

04-10-10, 10:34
Right, you do need to be careful about the number of paracetamols that you take, as they're toxic in overdose. Do be careful that you don't overdose yourself! I suggest that you alternate them with something like aspirin or ibuprofen as they work in a different way and won't affect your liver like paracetamol can. It's perfectly safe to mix beta-blockers and painkillers, but do watch you don't take more than the maximum daily dose.

There are some nasty bugs around at the moment and it sounds to me that you have caught one of them. When your fever starts to come down, your heart rate will get back to normal, as increased pulse is one of the common signs of fever.

Hope you feel better soon xx

04-10-10, 10:35
Thx guys! I jus had central chest pain n still kinda lingerin about there which gev me massive adrenaline rush cuz I thought was heart, if it was my heart I wouldnt have time to panic wud I? ;s xx

04-10-10, 10:37
you can take beta blockers and paracetamol hun but id advise u not to take anymore paracetamol take an ibubrofen if u can i know how u feel ive been a bit ill and im stuck in egypt with drs that know less than me the sweating is a normal part of ur body fightin off the ilness thats what its desighned to do its good for the body to have a little fever cos bacteria cant live in the heat thats why we get temps to kill it keep an eye on ur temp so it doesnt get to high thats what the paracetamol is for but u shouldnt take more than 8 in 24 hrs

04-10-10, 11:27
Hi Emma :)

Sounds like you have got a really nasty virus there hun but it will pass, you neeed to be patient and just take things easy.

There is nothing wrong with your heart and that chest discomfort doesn't mean anything serious at all..when we get painful and achy muscles it can affect us all over, including the chest area!

I know you feel awful but lying in bed all the time could actually make things worse, it can make you more achy so try and get up for a while.
Maybe go and sit in an armchair with a nice cosy blanket and watch the telly, read a book and doze when you need to.

Listen to what the previous posters have said about painkillers, alternate them and try and eat lightly..maybe some soup.

You should start to feel a bit better soon :hugs:

04-10-10, 11:46
Thank you every1! I dunno what I'd do without you all! :) I'm feelin a little better nw, seemed to have cooled off a bit but the left side of my neck is really hurting. I hope its cuz of the way I was lying all night tho! The central chest pains rly scared me got in a bit of a tizz over it but theyve gone now so can't have been life threatening. I'm guna have a look for ibuprofen in a bit cuz I know I've got some somewhere. Really, thank you all! xxx

Fly away Katie
04-10-10, 19:09
Sounds to me like you've just got a nasty cold or virus. (Theyre going around at the moment)... and offcourse, anxiety makes every single one of those little aches and pains worse. Theyre not really that bad ;) And as for the chest pain..... Its happeneing because your so tense about everything else. It's not a heartatack ;) Ive had chest pain (really bad) before... and im only 18. It will fade if you let it :)
Hope you feel better soon love x x x x x x :hugs:

04-10-10, 22:30
Thx a lot Katie, I'm feelin a lot better nw! Still a lot of pain in my left arm an jaw though. :weep: All my anx is focused around my heart so jus really sets me off when I get chest pains, specially ones I've never felt before! xxx