View Full Version : Severe tingling in my hands! - MS

04-10-10, 11:20
Okay so I am convinced that I have MS. I have even been looking up "success stories" and "how to cope with MS" as I want to prepare myself for the worst.

I never knew severe itching was related to MS but low and behold it is and guess what, I have been experiencing severe itching for weeks now. No GP knows what it is and I have an appointment with the dermatologist on wednesday.

I have also been experiencing a tingly feeling in my hands and feet, almost like pins and needles but not. Also a numbness in my fingers along with a buzzing sensation.
I have also been experiencing severe burning in my skin.
I really want to see a neurologist and have an MRI scan but how do I go about that?!
This is taking over my life and I don't know what to do :(
I know I have MS and this is what makes me so upset.

04-10-10, 11:24
To see a neurologist on the NHS you ask your GP for a referral

04-10-10, 11:34
To see a neurologist on the NHS you ask your GP for a referral

Okay, Do you think it sounds as though I should see one?

04-10-10, 11:43
Can I ask which website you used to get the information about the link between severe itching and MS?

I have looked on quite a few reputable websites and haven't found this information. There would also seem to be many more symptoms than you have to point towards MS, none of which you have mentioned.

04-10-10, 11:43
That's between you and your GP. All I'd add is that there are quite a lot of people on here who think they have MS because of symptoms like yours and I don't think I've ever seen anybody come back after tests and say they actually have it. My husband and three of his siblings have MS, I've never heard any of them complain about itching.

If you feel you need an MRI for reassurance then ask your Gp if he's willing to refer you x

04-10-10, 11:44
Can I ask which website you used to get the information about the link between severe itching and MS?

I have looked on quite a few reputable websites and haven't found this information. There would also seem to be many more symptoms than you have to point towards MS, none of which you have mentioned.

I just found it whilst googling and also somebody's own personal story online.

What about the other symptoms I'm havin: tingling and buzzing in my hands and feet though?

04-10-10, 11:58
Hi again.:)

Yes I hear what you are saying about the buzzing sensation and acknowledge that it can be a symptom of MS but it can also be a symptom of many other things!

There do seem to be many other things associated with MS not just one set of symptoms and I'm sorry to be harsh but if you rely on just Googling random websites then you are going to get misleading information.

You need to discuss this again with your GP (glad you're seeing the Dermatologist by the way) and ask him why he/she is so sure that a referral to a neurologist isn't necessary..make him explain properly the reasons!

04-10-10, 12:27
Hi again.:)

Yes I hear what you are saying about the buzzing sensation and acknowledge that it can be a symptom of MS but it can also be a symptom of many other things!

There do seem to be many other things associated with MS not just one set of symptoms and I'm sorry to be harsh but if you rely on just Googling random websites then you are going to get misleading information.

You need to discuss this again with your GP (glad you're seeing the Dermatologist by the way) and ask him why he/she is so sure that a referral to a neurologist isn't necessary..make him explain properly the reasons! I am very very worried. I actually feel sick. I really dont want to have MS

04-10-10, 12:37
I know :hugs:

But try and take a step back and think things through. The person you need to be talking to is your GP, he is the person who makes the decision as to whther you need a referral or not.

I have looked on the MS website. There are many symptoms with MS and you haven't mentioned any of the others.

Please, please don't just google randomly. It causes so much misery for people here, it really does.

And as someone has mentioned already, there have been tons of posts from people who were terrified they had MS. I have been here two and a half years and to my knowledge, not a single peron has had a diagnosis of MS.

Talk to your doctor and get the information that you need. (And don't google!) :flowers:

04-10-10, 13:00
Hiya......please, please, please dont let this take over your life! i have had this fear for nearly a year and its not nice. I know how scared you feel as i have spent many days being petrified by the thought. I have had all of your symptoms and more but day by day, very slowly i have noticed it less and less. I hope i have been of some help to u hun and im always here if you wanna chat. xx

04-10-10, 16:52
thanks for your replies guys. I am still have symptoms and im worried sick. I really want to be referred to a neuro on wednesday. Ive been conducting tests on myself, standing with eyes shut and feet together and i didnt fall over. However i can still feel the burning sensation and tingling. Im mega scared about wednesday!

04-10-10, 17:24
I had most of the symptoms you have,my gp said anxiety,so I asked to see a neurologist,I had a mri on my neck,and it was a compressed spinal cord in my neck.Its not much fun but not ms which i never thougt of anyway

04-10-10, 17:58
I had most of the symptoms you have,my gp said anxiety,so I asked to see a neurologist,I had a mri on my neck,and it was a compressed spinal cord in my neck.Its not much fun but not ms which i never thougt of anyway

Oh ok, so yours wasn't anxiety related in the end?
Sorry to hear about your illness :(

I really hate it when doctors put it down to stress and/or anxiety.

This is what really makes me worry.
Did you have the burning in your skin and the tingling of fingers? Mine just won't let up. I'm even worried that I have the worst form of MS, not the relapsing/remitting one but the primary progressive (always gets worse, never better)

04-10-10, 18:03
I get very upset as my family/boyfriend do not understand and think that I am as usual being a hypochondriac but I AM experiencing these symptoms and they are terrifying.

Everyone is so quick to mis-judge me

04-10-10, 18:25
Hi there,

I too have been where you are, and my health anxiety has not gone, just my fear of ms (for now!). Back in spring, I had numbness, tingling in my face, burning ears.. I can't even remember whatelse now, but was convinced it was ms. After cbt my fear subsided and my symptoms diminished. A month ago after another stressful period I started jerking and twitching, especially in bed and now am terrified it is parkinsons (my mum has this).
My point is that ms or parkinsons, I know the real problem is anxiety! As my therapist said, it wasn't ms that was causing me anguish, but the fear of it! In fact, a definition that really helped me was that anxiety is a rehearsal for a situation that probably won't arise.... Accept these symptoms as anxiety (don't try and ignore them) and think about the effect they have on your life. When I thought, ok my face is numb and tingly because I am anxious, not breathing well and have tight neck muscles...BUT actually this does not stop me working or looking after my family or spending time with my friends... The symptoms quite simply went away.... Hang in there x

04-10-10, 18:35
Hi there,

I too have been where you are, and my health anxiety has not gone, just my fear of ms (for now!). Back in spring, I had numbness, tingling in my face, burning ears.. I can't even remember whatelse now, but was convinced it was ms. After cbt my fear subsided and my symptoms diminished. A month ago after another stressful period I started jerking and twitching, especially in bed and now am terrified it is parkinsons (my mum has this).
My point is that ms or parkinsons, I know the real problem is anxiety! As my therapist said, it wasn't ms that was causing me anguish, but the fear of it! In fact, a definition that really helped me was that anxiety is a rehearsal for a situation that probably won't arise.... Accept these symptoms as anxiety (don't try and ignore them) and think about the effect they have on your life. When I thought, ok my face is numb and tingly because I am anxious, not breathing well and have tight neck muscles...BUT actually this does not stop me working or looking after my family or spending time with my friends... The symptoms quite simply went away.... Hang in there x

Thank you for this.

Well, I do try and rationalise but it doesn't work with these symptoms which makes me think I do have MS! I am driving myself insane and it is doing no favours for my social life/work.
I don't want to go to work at all and have called in sick loads of times.
I don't even want to see my friends.
I'm in such a state and want to know what is causing my horrible, unbearable symptoms - especially the burning and itching which is terrifying.
I sometimes feel like just ending it all and jumping in front of a train.
But I'm too much of a coward for that of course.

04-10-10, 18:37
I do suffer with anxiety as well,but my symptoms make it worse.I do get burning feelings in my hands and feet,and also my legs at night.Most of mine is wear on my neck through my job,but im not qualified to say if it can happen at any age.Ive had an operation on my neck and a second scan since.The neurologist will diagnose you as GPs are not specialists

04-10-10, 23:36
im doing my own head in :(

04-10-10, 23:37
my tongue seems quite numb now :(

05-10-10, 14:14

05-10-10, 15:04
Four years ago I was actually quite cheered by the fact I may have MS when I had convinced myself I had Parkinsons (at 33)- I went to the doctors convinced I was going to be in a wheelchair - she did a few simple tests, looked at me as if I was mad and sent me away with nothing other than a pat on the back - in 20 years of being a GP she had never seen a 33 yr old with parkinsons! I still have problems with shaky hands and buzzing in my feet, but from the research I have done this is more to do with the lack of certain nutrients or hormones - I am certainly not in a wheelchair or have my symptoms got any worse. I would say that when your skin condition is cleared your other symptoms will probably disappear and I would wait until then before you start down the route of more invasive medical exploration. The anxiety of waiting for an MRI scan could contribute to your condition! I once heard a quote from a doctor saying that "we always look for the horse before the zebra" - I suppose this means that its usually the most common and easily managed illnesses that crop up in 99.9% of cases. Hope you get your skin sorted out. XX

05-10-10, 15:27
Thanks for that reply.

It's strange what our minds can do but then I am always worried that the doctor will miss out on something very important because they think it is anxiety or stress.

I also think in my head...hmmm just because I have health anxiety doesnt mean that I cant get ill, which is true!
I'm in the age range for MS and everything. Does anybody think I should ask for a neurological test tomorrow?

05-10-10, 16:08
Sorry to go on!