View Full Version : It's back again :-(

04-10-10, 13:12
After a few weeks of feeling "normal", my anxiety reared its ugly head again yesterday. It came on early evening just after I'd had my dinner. It wasn't as extreme as it has been in the past as I wasn't sick. I felt bad again this morning - didn't want to get up & didn't feel motivated to go to work at all. I was sick at home & then again at work. I've had a few cups of tea but don't feel up to eating anything.
I'm supposed to be going for a meal with work - a reward from management. I'm not sure that I can manage it as when I'm anxious I'm not good around food. The toilets at this restaurant are a bit of a walk aswell & so I'd be worried about if I'd make it if I needed to make a dash to the toilet. I don't want to be a party pooper but I don't think that I can manage it.
I don't understand why it's come back again so soon after last time. I can't pin point anything that could have triggered it.

Kel x

04-10-10, 13:18
hi do you think you may have caught this bug thats going around it could be maybe not the anxiety x

04-10-10, 13:21
Hiya hun sorry your feeling this way again I know how you feel since march I've felt fine (at last) I thought and now its back and I feel terrible. Hope you feel better soon x

04-10-10, 13:30
Thanks for your replies :-)

I don't think I've got a bug. I was thinking yesterday that maybe it was something like feeling a bit hot that might have triggered anxious feelings because my body is so sensitive to the symptoms of anxiety.

Sorry to hear that you're feeling bad too Sammi. I hope that you feel better soon too


04-10-10, 13:34
Thanks sammie. I'm sure we will get there in the end :huh: x

Fly away Katie
04-10-10, 19:14
Anxiety does just come and go :( its unpredictable and therefore really sucks!!
Im sure you'll feel better soon x x x x x x

05-10-10, 08:39
Well, I didn't make it to my meal last night. I just couldn't face it. I was sick when I got home & got myself so worked up that I had to take a valium.
I hardly slept last night. I've been awake since about 3am, tossing & turning & sweating. It was a struggle to drive to work as I was worried in case I was sick - I take some carrier bags with me in case I need to pull over :-(
I just feel so overwhelmed again.


05-10-10, 11:26
hey kell... I think you know this already but maybe you need to be reminded: anxiety bouts and fasting is an evil EVIL circle. You start off with either one of them and after that, you can't even tell the difference. Hypoglicemia is not an anxiety sufferers friend. You really need to eat something... Anythink. Some salted crackers, some natural juice (peaches, oranges, anything high in glucose). During my worst times I've even taken glucose tablets (for diabetics). You can find them at any farmacy... It's a small pill filled with glucose, that will get your blood glucose levels up in no time, so you can break the nasty cicle.