View Full Version : Neuralgia, throbbing temples, ears popping

04-10-10, 13:49
So I have been diagnosed with potential neuralgia in my neck. Leading to stabbing pains behind my eye and shooting pains across my head. I asked the doctor if it could be anything else and he said "no, it's typical neuralgia". This made me feel better in a way.

Today though I have had a throbbing in both my temples to the point where you can see the veins over the temples sticking out. Also I have had to keep yawning to unblock my ears, they keep popping for some reason.

Is this linked to neuralgia or anxiety or is it something I need to worry about?

04-10-10, 14:01
My Mum suffers from neuralgia, usually gets worse with weather changes so this time of year is bad. She gets the shooting pain in her temples and head (and behind her eye). The throbbing is normal, Mums temples throb with the pain all the time

04-10-10, 14:24
Wasn't sure if it was related to blood pressure and if I was about to have an aneurysm or something. (Hypochondriac!)

04-10-10, 15:12
My Mum is on meds for high blood pressure and don't worry, it's not a symptom of high blood pressure. It can be scary but just reassure yourself it is just the headaches, the temples get swollen from the pain and pressure. It is a horrible pain, my Mum doesn't cry from pain easy but when she gets this she does. I really hope you feel better soon

04-10-10, 15:19
Thanks, the doctor gave me tegretol to try for the neuralgia and it seems to have taken the sharp eges off the pain, but now it feels like my temples throb and my ears keep popping. There's not much pain with the temples, but my veins were sticking out and I've never had that before.

20-10-10, 14:37
Well 2 weeks have passed and things haven't got better, not got much worse either.

Currently today my scalp is tingling, I'm getting shooting pains across my scalp and behind my ear/eye. I also seem to have a whole circle of pain that goes...back of neck > scalp > behind eye > behind nose > back of neck...

It's horrible and really affects my concentration.

I have an appointment to see a neurologist on the 17th Nov, but that seems ages away and I have to keep going for another 4 weeks like this. The medication I was given isn't doing much and the best relief I have found is an ice pack on my neck. But I can't wear that all day long.

I'm still secretly panicking about a brain tumor or an aneurysm and sometimes the pain feels quite intense and throbbing, then it goes away again. But I've seen the doctor a few times and he doesn't seem that concerned.

help me 21
20-10-10, 15:43
yes i do think its anxiety.. i get that popping ears have not been to doctors cause i no its anxiety dont need the doctor 2 say different.. i also have blurred vision and misty.. and bad headaches but then again iv been checked out 4 that but nothing came back its all 2 do with anxiety... the pain in the eyes is down 2 anxiety its horrilbe but it is true anxiety can cause a lot of problems.. you think that there is some think wrong with you and there anit.. private message me if you want to chat any time good luck leanne

20-10-10, 16:19
Hi DoogieJ

I used to suffer terribly with neuralgia, mine was mostly facial pain from the trigeminal nerve. It felt like raging toothache and it was like someone hitting me in the face with a hammer, horrible. They gave me anti depressants (the old sort, tricyclic) as they switch off the pain messages from the brain. This helped enormously after a while (takes a few weeks) although it didn't completely go. These nerve pains tend to settle with time anyway but it seems to go on for ever at the time. Hang in there and wait to see the neurologist first and maybe ask him about anti depressants and if they might help you. Good luck!
