View Full Version : Hiya

04-10-10, 14:58
Hi everyone,
My name is Kerry and I am 24yrs old.

My problems all started at the end of July when I was at work, I came over really nauseous, dizzy & I felt that someone was choking me. I have been signed of work ever since. My G.P has advised me that these are very common signs of anxiety but it's so hard to believe when the feelings are so strong. It's really scary. I seem to be getting these feelings more & more frequently along with new symptoms such as palpitations and difficulty breathing. It seems to be taking over my life, I can't seem to do anything anymore.
My G.P has tested me twice for an overactive thyroid & anemia which have both come back negative, I've been to the doctors so many times now that I'm starting to feel like a pest.
If this is all anxiety how can I beat it?
Thank you

04-10-10, 14:59
Hi Kerry2010

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

Fly away Katie
04-10-10, 19:01
hello and welcome to NMP x x x

Vanilla Sky
04-10-10, 21:27
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome:
Paige x