View Full Version : Any advice - Different type of Chest/Head Pains

04-10-10, 14:58
Hey Guys,

I am back on here with a change in symptoms.. Driving me mental now..

The chest pains seem to have subsided in terms of heart fears but have been replaced with pains in my left side, behind my nipple and lower down my rib cage, sometimes when I breathe in it feels like my lungs are being squeezed and they are quite painful.
I also have this headache at the back of my skull, I had an MRI last week as I had a check up and they want to rule out Arnold-Chari-Malformation, it's just ever since the MRI the type of headache has changed and I have noticed my breathing seems more and more difficult, I get shortnesses of breathe and my chest ache's.. It's like a dull flat pain, kind of hollow, sometimes it feels as though my chest is empty or trying to expand, as if filled with hellium..

I know I am a hypercondreact (Spelt so very wrong I know) but I am worrying about lung cancer now, had chest x-ray and they can't see anything but I read that lung cancer only shows up on xrays when it's practically too late so that is freaking me out.. I get the impression that my doctor and the hospital I go to now pigeon hole me in the 'Anxiety' bracket.. I had to fight for my MRI and I have had to fight to see a respiritory specialist, not yet seen them so hence the continued worry..

I have this uncomfortable bloating all the time, even if I have not eaten or drunk anything, that causes me to freak out about stomach or bowel cancer as in the early stages you retain water or create lots of gasses, I hate feeling this way but I can't seem to shift the 'there has to be something wrong, it can't just be anxiety' feelings..

07-10-10, 01:49
Sometimes I can stop myself and just think "wait... so i think i have a brain tumour, blood poisoning, bowel cancer AND ovarian cancer...? what on earth are the chances of that?!? it MUST be anxiety instead then!!" Then I last awhile before some new afflictions start to plague me.

You're already having quite a lot of thorough (spelling...) tests, and you need to try and trust that these things would have been picked up.

Have you tried any meds or therapy to help you? Doesn't work for everyone I know.
