View Full Version : cancerous lumps!?

becks xxx
04-10-10, 15:12
I've been doing quite well lately and this seems to be really holding me back..
A few days ago i found a pea sized lump in my vulva area and worreied straight away i was dying from cancer and got myslf in a state
Then yesterday i find another one on my armpit
they both aarent noticeable, they're like under the skin?? so can only be felt not seen, they hurt slightly when pressed too
i cant go doctors im ay too scared & embarassed
im only late teens, so cnt be cancer can it?!?!!!? :( :(
could it be glands maybe?? please someone rpeply, thanks in advance x

04-10-10, 15:28
Hun, please don't worry as I'm sure you are ok.

I get these too, and my suspicion is that they are sebaceous cysts, a small painful lump under the skin. They are swollen hair follicles and harmless, and this makes sense when you think that both of the areas they have presented in for you have hair follicles.

I have had them many times in my armpit, and they always go away on their own.

If they don't resolve then see your GP, but I am sure you will be just fine.xx:hugs:

04-10-10, 19:02
Think I replied to your last post re vulval lump - mine was a seb cyst as well only mine got infected but it was a happy little lump for nearly a year- like you I kept thinking what if it isn't a cyst but the fact it then got infected and burst three times as an abcess proved it was just a blocked gland and has now fingers crossed gone.

Fly away Katie
04-10-10, 19:05
I have them in my groin.. and froze when I felt them... but that way ages ago and im not dead yet lol. I think theyre just glands x x x

04-10-10, 21:47
Please try not and worry Katie (easier said than done I know). I've had these too and went to the doctor and they were just cysts. I know it is absolutely terrifying when you find a lump like that but he told me they were very common and nothing to worry about. Mine just went away on their own but it took a couple of weeks. It can be an ingrown hair which then gets infected. Hope this helps a wee bit :hugs:

04-10-10, 22:43
I have had this before, probably 2 or 3 times.
Really hurt sometimes which is how I realised it was there.
It just went away.
Give it a week and see how you go, if not pop into see your GP.

05-10-10, 00:43
dont worry do u shave??? because if u do u prob have an ingrown hair it happend to me and it hurts

05-10-10, 12:40
I have the same thing at the minute; I discovered mine after having a hot bath and completely freaked out. I am trying to not rush off the to the doctor, but wait a week and see what happens. I have noticed that mine has gone down a bit, so think it might be a cyst that gets bigger when in hot water. So I'm going to have another bath tonight and see if it gets bigger again. Hope you are doing ok, and I'm reassured by so many women here who say that they have suffered the same xxx