View Full Version : Latest wave of anxiety

04-10-10, 16:18
Just want to talk about my latest waves of anxiety..sleeping has been hard well I find it hard to get to sleep and I've been having a few insomnia nights waking up and so on.

I had a few horrible dreams lately they seemed quite real. One was about manic depression and a spell I had a few years ago and I had this dream it came back and ever since my old worry has returned and I've been not wanting to talk or that.

Also at work and for a spell today I felt kind of dizzy and sick like I was going to pass out. Funny thing is the sick feelings only lasted an hour and the dizzy spell only like 5 seconds but it creeps me out..what if I just pass out? What if I just die?

And I've been feeling strange about life but not full on depersonlization like I had mild waves of strangeness but I'd not call it full DP. Just life seems a mystery to me at times and so much has happened this year. I just question my purpose at times and feel just strange..and places seem just funny..

It's so weird as I've barely felt my self all year..can anxiety develop like this? plus I feel better in ways but just kind of weird in other ways? :huh:

04-10-10, 16:33
I'm the same right now, only got DP in the past couple of months, feel very strange a lot of the time, questioning reality and stuff. It's weird.

04-10-10, 16:34
yes it certainly cause all your symptoms,the trick is to keep telling yourself its anxiety,, i hope you are back to yourself soon:)

04-10-10, 16:52
I feel really weak and faint right now though...so panicy about it what if i die? I'm worried it's serious. :weep: the faint feeling came before the panic and my eyes are blurry..

04-10-10, 17:20
oh phil...we are all here for you xxxxx please my love...you are not going to die....its just this demon called high high anxiety....try to sit back and relax.....if you can.....we are here for you xxxxxx

04-10-10, 17:22
lie down and take some deep breaths...just repeat 'this to shall pass'...

04-10-10, 18:07
I feel really weak and faint right now though...so panicy about it what if i die? I'm worried it's serious. :weep: the faint feeling came before the panic and my eyes are blurry..

I get this all the time too, except my eyes dont get blury. But i always get that very weak, sick, faint feeling within my body and a little tightness in my breath. Makes me want to just get away and go lie down somewhere. I too always have second thoughts of if its really anxiety or not. I find that when i go to the gym and do cardio and workout it all goes away then, but again may return after i am done.

04-10-10, 21:51
Thanks for the replies I manged to relax a little from earlier..

So obsessed with this dim vision at the moment and one corner of my eye is blurry.. :ohmy: and the vein thing is throbbing worrying me again and health anxiety...feels never ending. :blush:

I feel about 90 at the moment..if I feel this way maybe I am wasting away or going mad?