View Full Version : Very embarressed, please help (girls only)

04-10-10, 18:44
I am suffering from Panic and anxiety mainly to do with agoraphonic feelings.

I am trying to beat this - and being strong by living my life through PA but I cant help feeling my body is taking a bashing phyically.

Lost lots of weight - lots of ailments through anxiety. longterm IBS, Cystitis, constant thrush.

Two days ago I developed Haemorrhoids. I am in pain, cannot walk without wincing, sitting down is a scream. My husband had a look and said it looked and had the size of a conker... Jeez I am so embarressed, sorry for asking this but I am so worried and need advice. I never never had this before but had internal ones during pregnancy. I cannot even wipe myself properly and having to bathe all the time..

I know what I shouldn't do (strain etc). I am going to the doctors tomorrow - but if they only have appointemnts left with male doctor - well I would rather live with the pain!

Is this normal? I mean the size and shape? Will it go by its own? I have brought some ointment.

Please help as right now I feel life is just too hard and my husband and son deserve better than me...and I want to stop crying :weep:

04-10-10, 18:49
oh my love...go and see your gp...please xxxxxx

i have crohns so i know how awful these kind of things are xxxxx

listen....we all feel the way you do at certain times.....i wish i could come and give you a hug....and i would love one back too.

you are in my thoughts please please keep on being strong xxxxx

04-10-10, 18:54
Hi Ambers,

I'm sorry you're having such a hard time. Some haemorrhoids will calm down with treatment, but stubborn ones that keep causing problems or grow very big need surgical intervention to get rid of them. I feel for you as they are VERY intrusive and painful. It is completely normal for them to get quite big too unfortunately.

You are well within your rights to hold out for an appointment with a female doc. I would get her to take a look and see what they can do for you.

Don't worry hun. They can be sorted out for you.

Good luck.xxx

04-10-10, 18:59
please please don't worry if its a male Dr believe me he has seen a hundred times worse things than your backside- I know I worked for a Dr and have a GP as a friend- the friend Dr I asked what does he not like looking at and gross as this is he said he hates getting a male in with a hairy bum and its full of dried up poo:blush::blush::blush: can you imagine so having a look at your pile would be nothing.

Just so you don't have a major freak out my friends husband last week had a big pile out of his bum and woulnd't go to the Dr and a few days later it burst and the amount of blood is scary - she said her husband was screaming for her from the bathroom but it stopped bleeding and he has not gone to the Drs so if it does burst don't panic.

Have your tried the over the counter creams with anaethetic in them in case you can't get a Dr appt tomorrow.

04-10-10, 19:08
Hi - thabk you for your replies.

Countrygirl - yes I have got some cream, doesn't really make a differene but I have been following instructions. Worried about it bursting - but luckily I am on my period at the moment and they are mega heavy - hope it doesn't hurt as much as I imagine when it bursts?

I am still not convinced about a male doctor - I am worried even about a lovely female doctor I have looking!

thank you

Hazel B
04-10-10, 19:10
I agree with CG, a doctor is a doctor and they have seen it all before. You could also book an appointmet with a female nurse if your surgery has one, or ask for a nurse to be in the room with you.
However, if you can't see a GP tomorrow, try having a warm bath ( no scented soap or bubble bath) as this helps ease them back in. You can also buy over the counter stuff from the chemist, Boots have their own but there is also Anusol/Prep H, they all do the same thing and ease the pain and itching. Make sure you drink a lot of water and eat soluble fibre such as oats.
They do normally go on their own, best wishes.

04-10-10, 19:16
Im sure if it is a male doctor and you explain how worried you are, they will ask a female doctor to come in and see you when her last appointment ends.
If not then I dont think he will care. Ive had plenty of male doctors look at my down below area and not once have I ever felt that they were looking at me in an inappropriate way. They see this kind of thing so much that its the same as you looking at baby poo! to me it would be icky lol.
I hope they can help you out tomorrow. Sorry to hear youre suffering so much, I wish I could give you advice.

04-10-10, 20:15
Thank you all - it is just so nice to be able to express how I feel on here as I hide it from everyone else - and I do feel better reading your replies x

04-10-10, 20:21
See any GP, honestly it's fine. I've had bowel problems and my male GP had to give me an internal up my bottom. It was bait embarrassing, but it had to be done.

Hope you feel well soon xxxx

05-10-10, 01:06
dont worry if its a male doctor, just grit your teeth and think of something else. Ive had hemmorhoids since the birth of my first child and it is an embarrasing complaint, but dont suffer in silence all for the sake of a bit of embarrasment with a male doctor. you'll be in and out of his office in a flash:hugs:

05-10-10, 08:08
I am up early, waiting to call the surgery (First come first serve). I have actually been up all night.

My husband said it doesn't particular look like a haemorrhoid - it must be right? What else could it be? Now he has worried me.

05-10-10, 11:56
Thank you all as I plucked up the courage and showed a young male doctor... I would never had done this without your help. I have a Thrombose Hermorrhoid - which is a heamorrhoid that has formed a blood clot and twisted - ouch! Been given some oinment. He also gave me some meds for my indigestion and some sleeping tablets just for 3 days to catch up on the sleep deprived nights I've had. Probably only take the sleeping pill for just tonight tho just to get some much needed rest.

05-10-10, 13:06
Well done for being brave Ambers. Hope it clears up soon x

Hazel B
05-10-10, 13:49
Thanks for letting us know, hope your mind is eased and it clears soon. x