View Full Version : hey guys

04-10-10, 18:57
hey guys

so I didnt sleep lastnight, couldnt go to bed as their was just too much stuff going around in my head. but to be honest i didnt wanna do anything about it. just because i had litrally had enough.

i basicly lost my job bout 3 weeks ago and as someone who suffers from low mood and depression anyway it was abit of a hit to say that least. the other one was i was dating some girl and she really just wanted the money i was getting at the time, only would come see me when i could pay for her aswell.

was abit lame, i danno what it is but i really do not have the best luck when it comes to woman, i either get a really nice girl for once but with backlog or a pretty one who rinses me. its never good.

ive pretty much become a surly mess over the last 3 weeks though. let my hair grow, couldnt be bothered to go see people because i just didnt have the motivation to do so. it was like "i could go to the job centre and sign on, buuuuuut its alot easier to whine and moun and lay in my bed and not move. meds didnt help at all, im on citalapram 20mg and to be honest its not the biggest help, i danno i just feel like ive stopped noticing whats going on around me concerning other peoples needs.

I got a pep talk today from someone, which was a bit of a wake up call about how ive been and i gotta say im actually embarrised by myself and that in its self gets me down, i mess up, than i keep messing up because i feel crap about the initial problem.

but yea today was abit of a wake up call to me. comment with your own words guys, would be much appreciated