View Full Version : Stop crying

04-10-10, 18:57
Can someone tell me to stop!

To stop crying! I am really trying to beat panic and I think I have been successful to a point - I am trying to live life normally and 'float' through the panic. I am a strong person and I will keep going

Anxiety keeps my body shakey and at a low weight. I shake at the slightest thing and today I have been wobbly all day. I have lost my voice (haven't got a sore throat), can hardly walk and it's that time of the month. I keep getting illnesses...I go from flu to thrush to severe indigestion to asthma attacks to IBS to cyst on ovaries...you name it! In the last few days I get another quite embarressing oilment. I am so so fed up...why...I carry on regardless thinking ok after this illness I promise I will be better and will not get ill again. Today I have cried all afternoon because why would anyone put up with me.

I always try to hide my 'next' illness to my husband but he can tell - I mean I am limping, I am thinner, I am paler and I am shaking - how can I hide that? People are always noticing and asking if I am ok. I am ok, I tell them - I can do this and get through the day.

and I have to keep beating this b*****y Panic thing!

Sorry this turned into a big big moan. Sometimes I wonder why

04-10-10, 19:03
Also wanted to apologise that I do not respond and answer other peoples posts - I always feel guilty that I am taking but not giving but I dont feel in a place to give good advice or that I have any experience.

I do worry

04-10-10, 19:25
Ambers dont worry about it. Dont feel guilty :) Im sure when youre feeling a little better you can help someone else out later ^^

Please try not to hide your illnesses from your husband. It will help to ease the anxiety and worry if you can tell him. A problem shared is a problem halved after all. Ask him to look after you and rely on his strength to guide you through this.

I lost a lot of weight too when I was at my worst with anxiety. i went from 8st6ish to 6st11. I looked like a bloody skeleton! I was also so low because I was just losing and losing more weight and couldnt stop. And it was so hard watching everyone else eating when I could barely eat a slice of bread in a day!
There is light at the end of the tunnel though! Im now 7st6lbs! The turning point for me was to stop worrying about my weight. It might sound silly, but it really helped! When I was worried about my weight all I could think about was eating and food, which meant that I put a lot of pressure on myself to eat. As soon as I stopped the worry about weight I actually managed to eat a little more. And today Im managing normal meals again.

When you go to the doctors tomorrow about your other problem. Tell them youre not eating and losing weight and ask for "Fortijuice". It will help you to get nutrients which will help with your poor health and hopefully itll keep your calories up too.

Dont be worried about the link. I know its for a cancer site, but I was given fortijuice when i wasnt eating. It actually tastes nice lol

Hazel B
04-10-10, 19:28
People may ask if you're OK because you look troubled/tormented, have you thought of it like that? My family tell me when I'm bad with anxiety my eyes look "dead" and my face looks worried and stressed. I lost a lot of weight in 4 months and I'm normally a greedy git, anxiety does that, as the adrenanlin pumps you don't feel hungry.
You say you are strong and I believe you are, just be kind and know there may be days when you cry, I cried for 4 days recently but did feel better for it: I was so knacked I slept well!
Stay brave and strong, you can beat it.

04-10-10, 20:19
Thank you for your replies - thank you for the link Vixxy, but I wont read the link just in case lol - but I will ask for FortJuice tomorrow. I have been taking multi vits (for Vegans) and Magnesium in the last week or so.

It is nice to release this as in 'real life' I come across as confident and able when really I am a nervous wreck hiding all my fears.

Hazel B
04-10-10, 20:25
No worries, people think I'm a hard faced cow but they have no idea what's churning inside!
Take good care of yourself and keep fighting. x

05-10-10, 16:06
Try not to worry too much about the weight. I lost 20 pounds during my worse anxiety. I have gained about 11 pounds back, but it has taken a long time. If I have some high anxiety days, I lose a pound. And then maybe in a couple days I will gain some back. So, I still need to gain around 10 pounds, but I can usually eat pretty good now.

06-10-10, 01:31
there are many ways to beat this condision .
I have had panic attacks for 12 years .
I tried everything but it came down to me standing up to myself in the end .
You have to belive that you are stronger than the attacks .
I know they are scary and I know that you fell like your dying , but your not and they do pass.
Try to let it pass over you like a wave , the attack will happen but the more you fight it the worse it my feel .breath deep and try to let it pass .
this may help you as well http//tinyurl.com/2w5ngap

06-10-10, 10:25
Tambo - the link does not work so I am not sure what it is for.