View Full Version : Short of breath

04-10-10, 19:19
Hey everyone,

Hope you are all doing ok.

For the last 10 days or so I have been suffering from shortness of breath not on the in breath but on the out breath,also the feeling of a lump in my throat anything mildly strenuous like housework wipes me out! (I may be lacking fitness as been off work for 6wks with Anxiety and not done a great deal!) Doc has said betablockers can cause this?? I have lowered my dose from 160mg a day to 80 mg of Propanolol a day but this has not lessened the symptons, also get twinges in my chest all over, worried this is a heart complaint, I have had a chest xray and an ECG since June which were clear. Scared.
I'm on 80mg a day of Propanolol and 20mg a day of Citalopram, I'm 37.

Any thoughts or advice please,

Thanks everyone xx

Fly away Katie
04-10-10, 19:24
Hello Claire, ive never touched any medication. And I have had all those feelings. When I feel stressed and breathless, I cant really walk to the bathroom without gasping for breath!! Its horrible.. and odd how anxiety can bring such strong feelings about x

04-10-10, 19:32
Aaaaw thanks Katie x and well done you for resisting the meds!!! x

Hazel B
04-10-10, 19:39
I have 3x40mg of Propranolol daily and it's made me a bit listless, but that's OK as I was anxious. It does say you should not take if you have asthma, maybe it affects the lungs?
I gave up smoking when I started getting angsty, so my breathing is less wheezy due to that.

04-10-10, 19:47
I do smoke for my sanity! Which I know prob doesn't help...thanks for the reply and well done for giving up the habit!
I'm scared if I give up the beta blockers, my heart symptons will get worse, vicious circle, short of breath vs chest palps/pain