View Full Version : Severe Acid Reflux (Chest/Heart pains)

04-10-10, 22:00
I write this as recently my acid reflux problems seem to have gotten a lot worse and I've been in pain for quite a bit.

Basically now after meals it sometimes feels like the food isn't going down right and still in the oesophagus area.

However what's been worrying me recently is that last night I started experiencing quite a dull tight chest pain. Yesterday I went to the gym for the first time in months and did a 3k run so I think that partly brought that on.

However on the train home from work tonight the dull tight chest pain came back again, it's a bit of a sharp recurring pain and has been with me for the past two hours or so).

Can this be caused by acid reflux? Bearing in mind it's a tight chest type of pain that is sometimes sharp.
All of the other classic acid reflux symptoms are playing up in my self but I don't know if dull tight chest pain is a sign on acid reflux or something more serious.

04-10-10, 22:05
I sometimes get this and my doc said its acid reflux and anxiety. I've had all the heart tests going and it comes back to acid reflux. X

04-10-10, 22:08
Hi Zman

I get the tight painfull chest that can radiate to the back/side. It always scares the b'jesus out of me because it is so physical.

Have you been given meds for this? I have Zantac which works better after the second doze.


04-10-10, 22:15
Hi Zman

I get the tight painfull chest that can radiate to the back/side. It always scares the b'jesus out of me because it is so physical.

Have you been given meds for this? I have Zantac which works better after the second doze.


Hi there bottleblond (without the e :))

I am indeed currently experiencing exactly what you described, tight painful chest that is radiating to the side. And yes it is very physical and I can now feel my heart going ten to the dozen which also makes it feel a lot worse.

I am on Omneprazole to help and have just taken one there so hopefully it will help, the feeling is quite scary as it genuinely feels like my heart is not functioning right but I'm reassuring myself with the fact that it's been going on for hours so if it was serious I would've known by now.
Nevertheless, it is extremely uncomfortable, quite painful and very noticeable.

Thanks for your reply. :hugs:

04-10-10, 22:15
I sometimes get this and my doc said its acid reflux and anxiety. I've had all the heart tests going and it comes back to acid reflux. X

Thanks for your reply and reassurance sammi. x

cheesy pete
04-10-10, 22:48
Hi ZMan,

I can sympathise. I have had acid reflux, although not severly but it is a very unpleasant feeling and it brings all sorts of worries to the surface. I usually try to find something that may distract me from it or give me some respite (reading, computer games, etc). It's amazing that when you aren't focussing on it all the time, how much these things tend to improve.

All the best


04-10-10, 23:32
Thanks again everyone for your replis.

Basically I've now taken an Omneprazole tablet (about an hour ago) and two suckable antacids and the chest/heart pain seems the exact same.... should I be worried? I'd imagine that if it was stomach acid this pain would be relived, all other symptoms such as the stomach cramps/pains are away...

05-10-10, 10:09
Hiya hun

I'm on lanzoprazole and I have to say it doesn't always work. It also depends on what you have eaten I know my acid reflux plays up if I haven't eaten too. If your worried you could go back to your gp he could maybe change your meds and. Give you some reasurance aswel. X

05-10-10, 11:03
hi i to get this to which i put down to anx do u sometimes get thumping heart mine lasted all last nite and today not really racy but can feel every beat goin on then i get worried its my heart also when i eat my heart thumps had 6 ecgs but nothin else so i get paniky

05-10-10, 11:44
Hi josparks did u have the ecgs well you had the pain? X

05-10-10, 12:06
sometimes yes others had no pain just couldnt breath i had problems other day and did ecg the dr said mine was better than his but then im not in uk at the mo so i dont know if i trust him but im feelin tight at he minute and my heart is thumping but not racing so of course im gettin a bit worried which wont help me

05-10-10, 13:00
I know how u feel hun thumping heart and pain and its awful. My point was going to be that especially if ur havin pain well the ecg is been done then it won't be your heart because if it was the ecg would show abnormalities if it was your heart. This is what the doc told me anyway. I hope this reasures you a little x

16-10-11, 16:56

This is me to and I have started my own thread. Basically I am the same, heartburn up the esophagus and the dip of my throat. I have had a dull ache right in the centre of my back to, in fact it's like I have been impailed. I was prescribed Lansoprazole on 12 September 2011 to be presice and after about 5 days I stopped as the symptoms went away, the Doctor didn't tell me how long to take them for. Anyway my symptoms returned with an ache in my back so I went back last Friday and he told me I should have taken these for at least a month. He is now sending me for a breath test which means I have to stop taking these tablets for 2 weeks until I have the test, this determines whether I have a bacterial infection in my stomach. Like all I suffer with health anxiety and I made the fatal mistake of looking on google and the first thing I found was a forum explaining my symptoms which was experienced in this womens mother and the doctor had misdiagnoised her having Cancer. As you can imagine I have terrified myself now and my fear is not of the illness but the misdiagnosis and assuming things are worse than they are. I have busy gardening and stuff this weekend and amazingly I don't notice any of the symptoms being busy. What the Doctor says its the lining of the esophagus that has been burnt by the acid and the reason the pains are in your heart region is because thats where your esophagus is and it does penetrate to your back. Try taking Gaviscon Advance liquid, it works well for me xx

16-10-11, 17:02
i used to get real bad acid indigestion all the time the doc put me on 30 mg lansoprazole it does help but i still get acid and the horrible pain that goes with it.
the pills do help agreat deal maybe you should ask the doc to give you some of these meds.
i do belive that anxiety does make it a whole lot worse.:mad:

16-10-11, 17:12
Taking Omeprazole and then antacid tablets is a big no no, you basically have cancelled out the benefit of taking the Omeprazole. Omeprazole can take up to 4 days to be effective against severe reflux. My slant on your chest pains is if in doubt check it out, better to be safe than sorry.

16-10-11, 18:47
on my lansoprazole it says dont take indigestion remedys at the same time as the meds and on the leaflet it says within an hour or two of each other so i think thats ok.
but no others usaully work anywayx:)

---------- Post added at 18:47 ---------- Previous post was at 18:44 ----------

and it also says you aint supposed to come off lansoprazole until the docs tell you coz your symptoms will come bck. i got to take mine maybe for life:)

17-10-11, 08:09
I was on Lansoprazole and the Doctor has booked me to have a breath test and so I have to come off the meds for 2 weeks. The problem is that when I was first prescribed them, I didn't realise I had to take them for a month at least to feel the benefit, so after a week and feeling better I stopped, obviously the symptoms returned. the Doctor said it was ok to continue with Gaviscon whilst I am on them though.