View Full Version : feeling of something in throat please help!!! loosing it

05-10-10, 02:20
Hello well I have been to doctors had so many tests all normal ph test barium swallow blood tests all normal ect.. I have had many more as well all normal. I have had this feeling in my throat more so than not for 4 years! They thought acid reflux gave me ppis tried them for 6 months nothing tried many!! I got worse being on them started having a burning in my mouth and throat!! Had a ent look at my throat did the whole camera thing, and they could not see anything that looked abnormal!! So my question is can anxiety give you this feeling almost all the time!! I started lexapro and just moved to 20mg like 2 weeks ago i think? so I have been on it for like a month now!! When i was pregent with my daughter the feeling did not bother me at all, I had my tonsills out and the feeling was gone for 3 months it came back after 3 months!! its driving me crazy and consuming me!!! Just wondering if anyone can tell me can anxiety cause this almost everyday? Please any help would be great!! Thanks so much!!:weep: I keep feeling doctors are missing something. But all tests are normal!!

05-10-10, 02:44
Hi Flo03, and :welcome:
Yes, it is fairly common for anxiety to cause this feeling, then a person becomes anxious about that and it keeps the whole thing going.

We have muscles all over our body, and in places we didn’t even know we have muscles! When feeling anxious a person tends to tense their muscles, and some of those are in the neck. So while it feels a bit like something stuck in the throat, it’s actually the muscles in the neck pushing very slightly on it.

It’s 2.30am here in the UK and I was just off to bed, so I’m gonna be terribly lazy and just suggest you have a read here (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/forumdisplay.php?f=84). You’ll find lots of posts from lots people who experience the very same thing.

Take care,

05-10-10, 15:32
Hi Nigel thanks for taking the time to read my post!! I just feel like its never gonna go away!! Sometimes I don't even feel anxious and I still have the symptom, is that normal? I just keep thinking they are missing something so scared don't know what to do!! I feel like the only way I get away from it is sleeping, Its all I think about! I do have some days better than others!! But most all the time it is there!!! When your not feeling lazy maybe you could chat some more? lol take care and thanks :hugs:

19-10-10, 04:29
hi hun iam also suffer from this awfull throat thing atm mine feels like something stuck in it

19-10-10, 09:34
hi i suffered with exactly the same as you about 10 years ago i had all tests etc and they all came back normal and i was convinced they must have got it wrong it sent me crazy but it is anxiety and you have to learn to ignore the feeling or at least ry and it will go eventually,i used to get really bad and it would cause panic attacks felt like i was gonna choke etc it controlled my life but i dont get it now i just had to convince myself that there wasnt anything there it was me doing it to myself if you want to chat etc im here for you all i can say is positive thinking and you will get thru it easy for me to say i know lol )
take care :hugs:

19-10-10, 14:10

Ugh I almost constantly feel like there's something in my throat or that it's swollen and I won't be able to breathe. If you've had tests and stuff it's definitely just anxiety. The more you think about it or focus on it the worse it will be. It's hard not to think about it when you always feel it, it becomes sort of like OCD. It's a hard habit to break. But it definitely sounds like anxiety to me, it's a very common symptoms and can last for years and years. So don't think there's something drastically wrong with you, because a lot of people here are going through the exact same thing. You're not alone here :)