View Full Version : A little down atm

05-10-10, 02:37
I'll just get to it no other way for me

2 and a half months ago i quit smoking just stopped ( really proud ) then bam 3 days later i get a chest infection ive only just got over it as a consequence of having the infection for so long ive hurt a few of my chest muscles ( pain ).

Health wise i guess I've been very lucky i Never catch colds I'm trying to keep my self fit loose some weight etc.

last week i had a little bit of a panic and that was the first time i Had the Chest Pain and breathing symptom of the panic attack in 20 years coupled with my little twinges in my chest i thought " Omg this is it I'm about to die".

So I went to the doctor obviously worried and she explained what had happend to me in my panic and checked me out and gave me a clean bill of health chest heart etc thankfuly, she prescribed me some propanolol 10mg I've had a total of two of these Tablets and dont think i will take them again I didnt like the effect.

It's just since then I've been so down I've been crying a few nights now feeling very vulnerable it only seems to get me late at night.

05-10-10, 12:35
Hello Mark, welcome to the forum. :)

Firstly congrats on giving up the cigs, I did the same thing and know how hard it is.

I noted from your profile you have had anxiety and panic probs for a long time, when we start to get better and make decisions to improve our health etc any setback can really knock us for six.

Try not to get too downhearted. You weren't expecting the scare that you had, it frightened you but that's ok hun..it's a normal reaction!

If you can, try and focus on the fact that although scary, what you experienced was harmless and just your anxiety trying to get the better of you.
Be more accepting of yourself, anxiety and all. Yes, it makes you feel vulnerable but the anxiety can't stop you from trying!

It is possible to put these feelings to one side, difficult but possible. Yes, you may feel terrified but inside you know that you are ok, just scared. Being scared won't stop you from doing what you want to do. :)

Give it a go and see how you get on. :flowers:

05-10-10, 15:19
Thank you ladybird

Congrats to you on giving up those nasty white sticks too :yesyes:

I know deep down if I try I can beat this thing it just may take a bit of time.