View Full Version : Bizarre Symptoms Shared By Two People?Is it Possible?

05-10-10, 05:25
I think I have asked about this many times and never really got a satisfactory answer.I have searched the internet through and through and ask three doctors already in the past five years.

Can two people suffer the same anxiety symptoms together at the same time? But then again Im not sure its anxiety.

Five years ago we moved to a place in a high alpine desert.8500 ft above
sea level. It has about a 15 percent humidity factor there about 80 percent of the time. My wife and I started experiencing it about three months into living there .We would keep our home cool but we would have moisture on our bodies almost like we were sweating.

The feeling is shared by the both of us at the same time all the time. Its bizarre to feel cold and feel like you are hot and sweating at the same time. Its miserable. We asked a pharmacist about it when we moved to that place and he said that was normal for the valley,so even though
it was uncomfortable we endured. Five years later we have moved to
sea level and pretty much like the places we grew up where for the most
part there are high levels of humidity.

Although yes we sweat when we are hot ,it is now cooling off when cooler temperatures ,even comfortable temps..But here we are again sweating when its cold.The colder we are the more clammy we get. Sweaty feeling,like you do when its hot .

The feeling is just miserable . We are both in good health and have normal blood pressure and its just plain weird.Ok I can understand it in a place where we were not originally from but could something have happened there to our bodies that this has affected us for the rest of our lives?

Has anyone out there heard of such a thing? If it was just me I would say maybe anxiety but for the most part I don't get anxious too much if any,anymore. But for the both of us?

Could this just be a part of getting older?Maybe something everyone goes through and we just don't know about it? We are both in our 50's and like I said the weird thing about it.. is it happened in a high arid dry high altitude where it is cold and dry and now it is happening in a sea level place very
similar to where we grew up where it is humid and wet and not as cold,and at sea level.

If anyone could help it would be great. Thanks in advance

blue moon
05-10-10, 07:48
Maybe your new house is haunted:scared15:
Petra x

06-10-10, 07:14
Sorry..I don't believe in ghost..got to admit that is the last thing i thought I would have posted to my thread but guess its better than no reply.. Its probably an age thing ..who knows.. I have posted it here for five years with no one really saying much about it .. and its been in two different houses..Maybe the ghost believe in me but I don't believe in them. thanks for the laugh. Michael

blue moon
06-10-10, 22:56
Hello Michael....I don't believe in ghosts either,but I honestly don't know what it could be.My husband is a Psych, and he said maybe you both have picked up some type of virus,I hope you find the cause of your problem.
Love Petra x:)

07-10-10, 08:01
Hi Petra,

Well.. I tried to get input on here and even went to a website called ask the experts.A general MD said perhaps it was lack of some vitamins, D,E and some others ,said I would have to get a full work up of some kind but I don't think that is it either.We both eat very well and get plenty of natural vitamins.. so I think that is out also don't think that you can have a virus five years but then again im no doctor.thanks for trying to help though .You are very kind. .Michael

07-10-10, 15:48
Women get like this due to hormone fluctuations especially during and coming up to the menopause .Some even feel like it afterwards .My father has an endocrine illness and never feels the cold .So I would think its just a coincidence you both are like this and its hormone related in some way .Maybe your going thru the Male equivalent of the Menopause Michael ? I think its called the Andropause ..Just a thought ! Either way I wouldnt think it was anything to worry about ,but its certainly sounds unpleasant .T/c Sue x

19-10-10, 05:09
I dont know if it helps or if its relevant, but a friend of mine suffers from excessive sweating and hot flushes (we live in the UK so its not a weather and humidity issue!)

He done some research and it turns out that he actually has a slight problem with his liver (its NOT serious medical issue).

His body finds it hard to process certain vitamins, nutrients etc, and most commonly when he drinks alcohol the flushes and sweats get worse... and this is something thats based in the alcohol that the body cant process.

It may not be the case, but maybe if you like the odd glass of wine with dinner or something this may be it... as I said i maybe wrong and got the wrong end of the stick, but maybe its coincidental that its something you both suffer from... ? My friend has been fine all his life and at aged 28 it appeared...

Similarly another friend gets hot flushes and sweats lasting for several days if he drinks certain fruit juices, and I myself have a clammy sweat that last for 2-3 hours when I east cheddar cheese straight as it is (ie. in meals its find, just grated or in slices eaten straight from the pack causes it.)

Maybe its not where you are, just something you enjoy to eat thats not agreeing with you?

20-10-10, 04:56
It could be food related but thinking it probably has something to do with getting older and some kind of "pause" whichever it is..Its just very annoying and kind of upsetting at times when you know you should feel good and cool and you are sweating like crazy..Hope that is all that it is.. but then again maybe it does have something to do with food..I see what I can find out..