View Full Version : Black eye or has something gone wrong in my brain?

05-10-10, 09:05
Hi Peeps,

I have woke up this morning with a purple eyelid!!! It looks like a bruise to be fair and to the none sufferer of HA thats all it would be!!! However I'm thinking something has happened in my sleep blood vessel in brain has burst etc I have a pounding headache too :( Scared.....
Seeing GP at 10.30 but because I have the Anxiety tag it will be a bruise only things is I have not bumped my head or my eye?
Thanks x

05-10-10, 09:58
As you say probably just a bruise but you are right to see our GP and I think anyone with this symptom plus a bad headache would be wise to see GP for your own peace of mind. At least you are seeing the GP quickly.

Let us know what the GP says and how you are.

05-10-10, 10:03
Thanks Country Girl will do xx

05-10-10, 10:42
Good idea to see your GP - it might even be that you've banged your head in your sleep. Let us know how you get on.

05-10-10, 11:40
Well after waiting for just under an hour at the docs he can offer no explanation - headached as its at the front is tension? the black eye a burst blood vessel is the best he can offer he didn't even look in my eyes. Should I be happy with that? x

05-10-10, 12:29
Hi honey
I can only think that the doctor wasn't at all concerned because your eye isn't a sign of anything sinister.
Maybe you rubbed your eye a bit roughly in your sleep?
Listen darling..... If the doctors not worried then you should worry either!!!
Take care xxxxx