View Full Version : Mum guilt tripping me again :(

05-10-10, 09:33
My mum has just gone to see my granny, my granny is 95. Everytime she goes she calls me up and says 'you need to come and see her, what would you do if something happened to her...etc' - I can barely leave the house so going 400 miles isnt really an option. Wtf am i meant to say to this? :(

It makes me feel so bad everytime she says that. I said to her that she is guilt tripping me and its not fair and she said 'oh well you have an answer for everything blah blah'

05-10-10, 10:47
Don't feel bad hun you have your own reasons for not going. Try not to let what your mum says get to you I know its easier said than done. And in your own time when you feel ready I'm sure you will visit your gran. X

05-10-10, 10:54

05-10-10, 11:07
Uk23. I wouldnt advice throwing yourself in at the deep end, but maybe you could start going on smaller journeys that will gradually build up to visiting your nan?