View Full Version : heart thumping

05-10-10, 10:40
hi guys im bein a pain here but im worried again now since last night ive felt my heart pound and its worryin me its like i feel every beat poundin in my chest and it doesnt seem to want to let up i keep think somethin is wrong with my heart its not really fast but just pounding no ectopics just thuds can some 1 tell me if they get this constant or shoulld i be concerned help is needed pls

05-10-10, 12:12
I got this rly bad all the time before I started propranolol, still get it ocassionally now! It's just that you're anxious cuz you're away from home and not feeling good, plus you're a lot more in tune with your body than most people are so you feel it a lot more. Slow your breathing down and do something that relaxes you. I usually lie flat on my back in bed and breathe really slowly so I can feel it getting less and less noticeable. Your heart rate will get less hard if you let it! Hope you feel better soon really do xxx

05-10-10, 12:23
thank u pkerface i have been breathing slowely but i find my heart just pounds i think ur right about being in tune with it cos at times im not noticing it so much but then others i feel bad with it then my chest getts tight and i feel i cant breath well i panic then and think the worst and think im in heart failure my heart rate is around 80 beats when it happens so its not racing just banging then of course my mind takes over

05-10-10, 12:45
Yep I know exactly how you feel! I'm always having "heart failiure" too! Anxiety definatley does like to give us scary heart symptoms, a pouning hearbeat being one! I get really scared when it happens too and always think the worst, but you're not alone with feeling it, if you're still in Egypt it will probably be adding to your anxiety quite a lot right now especially if you're not feeling so good. Your heart beat is just reacting to what your mind is doing. Your in overdrive with worry, and don't feel bad about that cuz you've done more than I can imagine doing EVER by actually going to another country, so I think thats extremely brave and will probably really help with your recovery in the long run!

If trying to forceablly stop it beating hard isn't working try some distraction, get a good book or something you enjoy doing and really try not to think about your heart and the "what if?"'s it will be back to normal before you know it! xx

Oh! Nearly forgot, yes my heart rate stays normal (80-90bpm) when this happens, it just feels really really hard. Is deffinatley anxiety! x

05-10-10, 14:51
The exact thing happens to me and drives me mad! I find it is worse when I drink alcohol or eat lots of food, but I then go into panic overload and think I am about to have a cardiac arrest - mind you, this has been going on for over 2 years now and so far I am still alive (but anxious!) I find walking up and down stairs counting them helps - it distracts your mind. Good luck, you are not alone! XX

05-10-10, 15:05
When i was at my Worst Having Panic attacks etc on a daily basis, i used to get this all the time! I even bought myself a heart monitor & blood pressure monitor from loyds chemist but then i was checking myself every half hour!
I used to lie there at night & could literally hear it beating & lay with my hand over my heart just incase it stopped beating!
Its all part of the anxiety & is made worse by the worry u have about it! I used to do slow breathing & try & focus my mind on something else, watch tv or something that might take your mind off it! Youll be ok & I know exactly where ur coming from, Honest, its the worst feeling ever but im sure your not going to have a heart attack or anything though it does feel like it!

I also used to breath in the old paper bag which seemed to lessen the heart Palpitations! Try & Relax, After a few weeks of this happening i kinda thought "Well, im still alive" so from then i kinda got myself over it a bit!
Hope you feel a bit better & TRY Not To worry about it!

05-10-10, 16:48
thanks guys for ur replys and thanks pokerface well its a little better this evening but its moved on to feeling dizzy and light headed but my sleep pattern is out the window completly im sleepin few hrs i day then up at 8pm till 4am then asleep till 7 30 am so im not sleepin great so maybe thats why im dizzy like im gonna faint plus weather is hot and humid which im not used to trying to stay positive though