View Full Version : Anxiety attack or something else?

05-10-10, 12:02
Hi everyone. Yesterday I experienced out of the blue what could have been an anxiety attack? I was out with friends feeling quite relaxed and all of a sudden I felt like I couldn't swallow. I then got abit dizzy and my palms started getting clammy. I had some water and then went out to get some fresh air but I still felt awful & abit freaked out. The more I thought about it the worse I was feeling. Later in the evening I had trouble sleeping as my throat felt really congested and I was consciously thinking of my breathing and was so scared to sleep incase I would stop breathing. Today I feel so tired and my shoulders and chest are quite tight. Not sure what the heck happenned? Was this an anxiety attack or could it be something else? I've got a few things on my mind but I can't imagine that these would trigger off an attack. Any advice would be appreciated.

05-10-10, 12:29
i had this a week ago i couldnt swallow then i got very anx i didnt have full blown pa but just anx on its own is bad the adrenaline from being anx pumps round ur body and my throat was sore after to the i started coughing a lot so i convinced myself i was chocking i was very tired and achy afterwards its a nasty thing anx it can pop up from no where as mine did i was actually sittin in a car when mine happened

05-10-10, 12:48
i had this a week ago i couldnt swallow then i got very anx i didnt have full blown pa but just anx on its own is bad the adrenaline from being anx pumps round ur body and my throat was sore after to the i started coughing a lot so i convinced myself i was chocking i was very tired and achy afterwards its a nasty thing anx it can pop up from no where as mine did i was actually sittin in a car when mine happened

Thanks for your reply josparks. Were you stressed about anything or like myself relaxed? I can't understand how this would happen from nowhere.

05-10-10, 13:14
Yes, that definatley sounds like an anxiety attack to me! I get a lot of anxiety symptoms when I'm relaxed which worries me too! One of my bad bad attacks that put me on edge for weeks was when I was totally relaxed and having a laugh with my friend and it just hit me out the blue. I have no idea why this happens I'm sure someone must have told me before but being a sufferer myself some things go in one ear and out the other! xxx