View Full Version : Terrified it's a sign

05-10-10, 12:16
Hi everyone,

For a long time now I have been having regular headaches, which go away with painkillers (over-the-counter type). I've always had headaches but not this often.

I can't remember how long I've had headaches for as they never used to be that often, but all during my pregnancy and since my daughter was born (she is 10 months old) I have had almost daily headaches. They still go away with painkillers, but I've started getting migraines about 1-2 times a month, which do not go away with painkillers.

I saw my GP, who asked me if they felt like a 'tight band' and I said no. He checked the pressure behind my eyes and said it was fine. He thinks it's stress/anxiety causing them.

Today I woke up with a migraine and despite 2 doses of painkillers, they have only dulled the pain.

I have noticed recently that I have started feeling sick at times. Sometimes I have a headache too, other times not.

When I bend down, I feel like loads of liquid rushes to my head, as if my head is full of water. This is usually when I have a headache.

I am definitely not pregnant,my blood pressure is normal. I am overweight (baby weight) but otherwise healthy.

I am terrified it is a brain tumour but my GP ignores me and says there'd be weight loss or other signs.

Could it be a tumour? I'm only 23.

05-10-10, 12:29
I'm no doctor, but I have read somewhere that headaches aren't actually a common sign of brain tumours. I am sure with have a young baby that you must have a lot going on and I wouldn't be suprised if you were a bit stressed. I suffer from migraines too and mine are affected by hormone levels; again if you've just had a baby, your body is probably still trying to return to normal hormonal levels.

Sorry I don't have any advice for you, just wanted to reply as i know how horrible headaches/migraines can be xx