View Full Version : CBT for HA.. worried

05-10-10, 13:01
hi all, i am starting CBT next week for my HA. i had an assessment yesterday so know roughly what it involves. i just feel so hopeless that its not going to work. i am really exhaughsted at the moment, so sad and as the expression goes, can't see the light at the end of the tunnel.
please could you reply with positive CBT stories or inform me a little more about it as i am so worried..

05-10-10, 13:07
I've not had CBT, but I've got a book about overcoming Health Anxiety that tries to teach it you! I found it very helpful but it is a lot of work, and it's harder to keep up with that if you don't have anyone spurring you on except yourself lol!

You have to let it work and do the exercises but it won't work straight away obviously! It's a build up and like I said can be a lot of hard work but I'm sure it will be worth it in the end! Hope it all goes really well for you next week, keep us posted! xxx

05-10-10, 13:15
Hi Ellie, I don't have HA but had CBT for depression and found it helpful. Briefly, as I see it, it's about retraining your brain. You work out why you get certain thoughts, find out if they have any basis in reality - if there's any "evidence" for them to be true. When you realise there isn't, you can then challenge them when you get them and stop them spiralling out of control.

It does take some effort on your part but it really can work. Good luck and try not to stress about it x

05-10-10, 13:18
I have my 9th session on Thursday ........in some ways it's helped me, but i still cant get past the health anxiety .........try to be positive and good luck xx

Vanilla Sky
05-10-10, 14:17
It has helped me a lot , although the first 3 or 4 sessions i was still not convinced it was for me . But im glad i stuck it out , it is a slow process but i guess it's meant to be , we expect it to work in the 1st session lol . It's not for every one but i found it done a lot for me with my health anx .
Hang in there :)
Paige x

05-10-10, 14:35
thanks guys
what are the other options if it doesnt work?

Vanilla Sky
06-10-10, 11:01
Counselling ? Hypnotherapy ?