View Full Version : Just had a huge argument with my family - left arm pain!!! :'(

05-10-10, 13:25
I can barely type this for crying so please bear with any typos.
I've just had a really bad argument with my mum & my sister & I was shouting really bad [not been like that for a long time] & I was really, really angry...I could feel my heart beating really, really, fast & I got a very tight feeling/pain in my left arm, it's still abit sore now.

Could this be angina? I've had a heart ultrasound [Ehcocardiogram] & 24 hour monitor, plus a full week monitor they were all fine...& about 5 ECG's, only one of them did show up a slight abnormality but after the week monitor was fine they never sent me for anymore tests :(

I'm really scared & upset now & I don't know what to do... :weep:

05-10-10, 13:28
try to calm done.when you are in that situation your Adrenalin works even faster sending it around your body ,, now you relax ,,you will find it will ease xx

05-10-10, 13:34
Thank you. I've calmed down abit, but I'm having a few palpitations...understandable really, I shouldn't have got so worked up :(
I just can't stop crying...it's been building up for awhile :( x

05-10-10, 13:38
This happens to me when I get wound up really bad too, even when I get excited sometimes! You've had all those tests that means your heart is fine it's just like Gypsy said, it's the adrenaline going over time and all your muscles tensing/relaxing from getting so wound! You'll be ok :) xx

05-10-10, 13:38
Arm pain /heavy arm is very common so please dont worry... I had a dead/painful arm for nearly three years when I was in a particulary bad way and I am still here, with a strong heart.

05-10-10, 13:56
Thanks so much guys, I was worried about keeling over with a heart attack, it's eased abit now but my shoulders feel abit tight :( Feel terrible...

05-10-10, 14:03
Hi sal,

I sympathise entirely with you, sweet.

I had a row with a friend of mine on MSN messenger last week and my heart was thumping out of my chest and I had left side chest pain afterwards. I could almost feel the adrenaline pulsing through me and it is horrible!

It is just because of your heightened anxiety hun, so please don't worry. Mine settled down pretty quickly. I don't worry about the chest pain anymore as it always comes when I am het up or upset so I just put it down to over-anxiety.

I hope things get sorted for you.


05-10-10, 15:03
Thank you so much debs *hug* & Everyone. I've calmed down now, just gonna stay in my room & avoid everyone. I shouldn't have got so wound up knowing how I am but I couldn't help it.
I feel so tight chested & everything now, it's horrible :(

Thanks x x x

05-10-10, 16:58
Imagine how tense your chest shoulder and back muscles were when you were so mad and angry - this will cause the arm pain and heavy tight chest.

I have degenerated discs in my spine some at thoracic level and if I do anything unusual exercise wise even sleeping in a different bed I get awful chest pain and heavy tight ribs.

I know its not easy but try and distract yourself and relax as best you can rather than mentally knawing away at whatever the row was about.:hugs:

05-10-10, 17:44

05-10-10, 20:26
I had a row with my sister the other day, a REALLY big one, my heart was racing really fast and I felt very tense but I knew it was just adrenaline. It's amazing how quick your body can get worked up, and having HA makes it 10 times more noticable. You'll be just fine, your heart is perfect, the tests say so, so believe it. It doesn't matter if you fought with your Mum and sister like that everyday, your heart would still be fine. Try and relax, the fight with your Mum and sister will blow over and things will get back to normal.

06-10-10, 12:08
Thanks so much guys. I'm still pretty upset today & am just staying in my room out of the way :(
Still feel really drained :(