View Full Version : How to calm yourself after a scare?

05-10-10, 13:30
I managed to convince myself I had lung cancer, minor cough, and a bit of chest ache...not pain just more an uncomfotable twinge on both sides at the front and on the left at the rear.

I am 99.9999999% certain the rib pain and upper back are related to me sleeping awkward...(I sleep with my left arm under the pillow and have pulled muscles under my arm before)

I found this place last night and introduced myself, but no matter how stupid I tell myself I am being I cant get the thought of cancer out of my mind. Several years ago when I started with Health Anxiety it was testicular cancer, that turned out to be a strained groin. (perhaps cause I lost a cousin to cancer a few years ago????)

Oh my pain has all but gone now and eased up last night after two days. But I did the usual and googled......even though I know its the worst thing I can do.

Soooo Back on the meds to calm me down, I cant handle the cold sweats, the pouding heart and the feeling I am going to pass out. I dont really notice any shortness of breathe, but I am sure I am suffering anxiety.

How can I calm myself? I know the meds cant cure me, so I need to cure myself.

Vanilla Sky
05-10-10, 14:13
I know how you feel , i was like that with every ache and pain i had and it sure sounds like anxiety to me . You have focused on cancer , with me it was my heart and many others on here will also have their "thing" that they think they have , we all do it , its all part of health anxiety i'm afraid .
You have to look at it rationally which you are doing ... quote .. i don't really notice any shortnness of breath , but i am sure i an suffering anxiety .............. so you already know it . But we still look for something don't we .
I found when i started meds i felt better and also cbt helped too, Ask your doctor to refer you for counselling or cbt,
Good luck
Paige x