View Full Version : New panicky member

05-10-10, 14:22
I came across this website a few weeks ago after undergoing what I can now see as years of panic induced stress bought on by my overactive health anxiety!
I am a very healthy (never really go to the doctors) 37 year old full time mother who is a new member of this wonderful site. However, I am convinced I am going to die at any moment due to some strange heart problem. I visualise dying and leaving my body and the stress gets worse as I imagine losing control of my life and leaving behind my three young daughters. This makes my heart pound harder and then I get more anxious. Then I imagine my husband telling our daughters that their mummy will not be coming back and I can physically feel their anguish and this then makes everything a whole lot worse. I can't seem to stop myself - but you know what, just typing this has made me feel much better! That sums up my anxiety - I am looking forward to talking to people who have similar problems and maybe then I can get some peace.xx

05-10-10, 14:26
Hi kingswood

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

05-10-10, 15:54
A BIG FAT :welcome: to NMP

You are certainly in the right place for help, advice, reassurance and understanding!!

I can relate to what you are saying and I too am convinced on many a day that I am going to die from a variety of different ailments or illnesses.
Many people who suffer from anxiety worry about death and dying and the biggest fear is leaving our babies behind. This is my worst fear in the whole world, i think we are no different to anyone else but we (anxiety sufferers) allow these thoughts and feelings to manifest and our thoughts start to stretch out and become morbid.
The only advice I can give is to try not to let these thoughts spiral out of control, think about something else totally unrelated to your kids and hope that this episode passes. I know it is easier said than done so I wont preach to you but the more we let anxiety get to us the easier it will defeat us xx

Veronica H
05-10-10, 17:19
:welcome:to NMP.:bighug1:


Vanilla Sky
05-10-10, 20:21
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome:
Paige x