View Full Version : Bad (tingling brain) day!

05-10-10, 15:32
Today my anxiety is horrible! I had a pretty rubbish nights sleep and I have that ridiulous tingling on my brain like someone let loose a nest of ants n they are running wild inside my head. Its impossible to ignore and I cant concentrate on anything else apart from stuffing myself with my sons sweeties and now I feel sick too!!

05-10-10, 15:48

I've experienced pesky ants nest in the brain. They were first let loose when I started ssri meds. I have changed brand of drug now and only suffer with tingling termites in the legs although a couple did escape into my brain this morning.

A friend of mine says she gets the same sensation if she forgets to take her ssri meds.

Hope the ickie sickie feeling soon goes away too

Jan x

06-10-10, 12:52
yes i get it in my head/arms/back/chest iv had it for severn weeks now it started after i had a panic attack. I wake up with it each day its made me feel like im not myself enymore like im not in my own body i wish it will just go away. im on some anti depressents i feel funny all the time and i have strange dreams every nite its crap i need a new brain might look on ebay for one:wacko::wacko: