View Full Version : Eye Trouble Too

07-03-06, 14:39
Underneath my right eye throbs almost everyother day apparently when I get stressed out. It is very embarassing. Other people just stare at me and I don't even realize it is doing it. I can't feel it. I also see floaters but though they were due to my contact lenses until I got on this website. If I take a .25 dose of klonapen it goes away after awhile that is why I think it is related to stress. Does this happen to anyone else? Why only one eye? I am also on the lowest dose of Paxil for anxiety which the doctors keep pushing to get me to increase which I don't want to do. I figure the lower the meds the better.

07-03-06, 14:47
I also had a strange sensation concerning my eye, though it was my left one.
It was a sort of "pulse" type feeling and I had it on and off from time to time whether I was on medication at the time or not. I definitely think it is anxiety related and I also know other people personally who have had exactly the same problem. As difficult as it may sound I would not worry about it, it is completely harmless. ;)