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View Full Version : Ok - what do i have? is it anxiety?

05-10-10, 15:57

Im really looking for some advice, and to see whether i have anxiety, if so, is there a form of anxiety which my behaviour typifies, and what i can do to sort it.

I have always been a bit of a worrier, family, money, etc... i seem to take a fair weight of things on my shoulders.

However, i seem to have got into the habit of doing 'tasks' which means that a situation wont occur.

For example, if i scratch my face 4 times instead of 3, that is better and so and so wont happen (that is an example i just made up, but this is the type of thing i do).

I seem to do something which i then think in my mind, will have a bearing on a certain outcome. Is that anxiety, and if so what form is it?

Any help or advice is greatly welcomed.

Thank you.

05-10-10, 16:07
It sounds like OCD. You do rituals to keep your anxiety down. I do some of those and if I don't, I think my anxiety will be worse. Once your get your anxiety level down, that should help. Do you get any counseling?

05-10-10, 16:12
It could be OCD.These are rituals that a lot of people do when they have that .The best way to stop it is to break the habit ,Its just your anxiety and these things dont stop things from happening ..Try to resist doing it ,the more you try the easier it gets .It s easier to nip this in the bud now ,than to leave it until it gets so bad you cant lead a normal life .Id go and see your Dr and explain it to him ,he will discuss what the alternatives are with regard to treatment .You could probably benefit from a course of CBT .if you cant help yourself stop doing it .on your own .All the best sue x

05-10-10, 16:24
It sounds like OCD. You do rituals to keep your anxiety down. I do some of those and if I don't, I think my anxiety will be worse. Once your get your anxiety level down, that should help. Do you get any counseling?

Thank you for your reply.

I dont get any counselling no, but it seems as though i should visit my GP to see what he/she can suggest.

It could be OCD.These are rituals that a lot of people do when they have that .The best way to stop it is to break the habit ,Its just your anxiety and these things dont stop things from happening ..Try to resist doing it ,the more you try the easier it gets .It s easier to nip this in the bud now ,than to leave it until it gets so bad you cant lead a normal life .Id go and see your Dr and explain it to him ,he will discuss what the alternatives are with regard to treatment .You could probably benefit from a course of CBT .if you cant help yourself stop doing it .on your own .All the best sue x

Hi Sue.

Thank you for your reply.

I will have a read regarding CBT and see what it involves.

I know what you mean regarding the rituals, i do know i need to resist doing them and then i can get it sorted now.