View Full Version : Tummy pain. Scared of appendicitis!

Natalie x
05-10-10, 16:14
Hi. A while ago i started to have a pain in my back at the right hand side. It then moved round to my stomach and my belly button. Its not a constant pain, it just sort of comes and goes. Any suggestions to put my mind at ease? Thanks x

07-10-10, 01:23
If you had appendcitis, you would know about it! Think writhing in agony with no let up. It sounds more like the gas pains that I get :flowers:

07-10-10, 01:37
Hey Nat,

I had my appendix out a couple of weeks ago and the pain never came and went, it just stayed and hurt alot. It does sound like trapped wind to me however if its bugging you that much id see your local GP.
Good Luck!


07-10-10, 10:29
Hi Natalie

I dont think its appendcitis, ive never had it but my nephew was rushed in hospital last year, doubled over in pain, been sick, high temp etc, turned out he had appendcitis, had it removed was in hospital a week or so, same thing happened to a friend of mine. im no doctor but i think u just get intense crippling pain all of a sudden?
However what i can say from 1st hand experience is it "Might" be gallstones???
I have them & & waiting to have my gallbladder removed.
Thats how my symptoms started, just had backache one night when in bed watching tv, thought it was just how i was lying in bed but it didnt ease when i moved, then after a while it got worse & went around to my stomach area, anyhow long story short, this came & went & was really bad one night i thought i was having a heart attack, ended up in A&E, got an ultrasound scan, & Yep, turned out i have a few small gallstones!
Ive managed controll the pain so far through diet change but the last few weeks ive been gettin niggly pains again so went to see doc n arranged for the surgery!
Im not saying thats what u have as theres loads of reasons for back ache etc but it might be worth mentioning to your doc if it keeps happening as my doc at 1st just kept telling me its muscular, wasnt untill i ended up at A&E That it turned out be gallstones!
Hope this helps a little & u feel better soon.
Jay, x